Problematic facial skin: rules of care and recipes for treatment
Among the main types of skin appear dry, oily, normal and combination. Problem skin is not allocated to a special group, but is mentioned no less rarely. Every second woman believes that she has problematic skin, because the ideal, smooth, beautiful surface of the face is not common.
However, dryness, peeling, greasy film, a second chin and even early wrinkles are, of course, significant cosmetic defects, but they are not signs of problematic skin of the face. To find out what it is is our task.

Any skin can become problematic - dry, oily, normal, combined, and not only in adolescence, as many believe. This is a skin disease that can occur at any moment of life, since a variety of circumstances can become possible causes. The following skin manifestations are called signs of truly problematic skin by cosmetologists and dermatologists:
- any rashes of an inflammatory nature: papules, plaques, black spots, acne, acne, ulcers;
- long healing, moist and festering, inflamed scars and scars;
- spider veins and mesh;
- age spots covering more than 50% of the entire surface of the face and are not congenital;
- flaky spots of large diameter;
- eczema, dermatosis.
It is necessary to distinguish a girl with freckles, which she shows up every year with the first rays of a hot sun, and a pregnant woman with large pigmented rashes on her face, which she never had before.
In the first case, there can be no talk of problem skin: after using the usual whitening products, freckles will become less noticeable and disappear altogether in the cold season. In the second case, the expectant mother is faced with a problem that needs to be addressed. Despite the fact that in 80% of cases, problem skin is associated with inflammatory rashes, its other manifestations should also not be discounted. The causes of all these misfortunes can be a variety of factors.
Why do some people have even, smooth, velvety skin, while others constantly have acne, acne eruptions again and again, injuries do not heal for a long time, red spots diverge over the entire surface of the face? The causes of problem skin can be a variety of factors - lifestyle, heredity, skin care, cosmetics used.
If you accurately identify which circumstance provokes the appearance of new and new rashes, it can easily be eliminated. This will lead to the successful completion of treatment and get rid of skin problems forever. Among the possible causes, dermatologists and cosmetologists name the following factors.
- Hormonal background failure: a surge or lack of hormones in the body - and you already automatically fall into the risk group and can easily become the owner of problem skin. You need to be prepared for this during such periods of life as puberty in that very teenage age (everyone starts and ends differently, but the approximate dates are from 12 to 17 years), bearing a baby - pregnancy, several days before the menstrual cycle, menopause
- Stress: rarely anyone connects rashes on the face with their mental and moral state - and completely in vain. Any malfunctions of the nervous system are reflected on the skin, as on a litmus test. If you are experiencing a long or very severe stressful situation, suffer from constant neurosis, are depressed, often irritated and nervous at the slightest trifles (psychoses and tantrums are vivid proof of this), do not be surprised if as a result of all this you find in the mirror one morning profuse and inflamed rashes on his face.
- Medications: Uncontrolled, prolonged use of certain medications can also cause problem skin. Such skin-friendly products include antibiotics, hormones, birth control, aspirin, and some others.
- Bad habits also directly affect the appearance of the skin: smoking from an early age and in large quantities, frequent drinking of alcohol not only worsen complexion, but also provoke the appearance of acne and acne.
- Nutrition: many do not even realize that improper nutrition can become the cause of problem skin - lack of a regimen, regular consumption of a large number of exotic fruits, berries and red vegetables (raspberries or carrots, for example), too greasy, smoked, salty, spicy, pickled foods . Abnormal work of the stomach, slagging of the body, excess weight and even more so obesity are often diagnosed with owners of problem skin, as they are its direct causes.
- Care: not all women consider it necessary to care for the skin, which almost always results in problems with it. Inadequate, improper care will again and again provoke the appearance of rashes: this may be the use of poor-quality or expired cosmetics, poor cleansing of pores, makeup left overnight, etc.
- Hypothermia of the body and, accordingly, various colds can also cause couperosis on the face (vascular network) and inflammatory processes.
- Overheating can be an annoying reason that the skin suddenly became problematic. If you stay in the sun for a long time, an excess of ultraviolet light will adversely affect the condition of the skin of the face. A tan and abuse of a tanning bed can lead to problems.
Everyone can be at risk: there are many causes of problem skin, and they are mainly dictated by the wrong lifestyle.
After determining which of the above-mentioned factors influenced the condition of your skin, try to get rid of it as quickly as possible, otherwise any treatment undertaken by you yourself or prescribed by a doctor will be useless.
Yes, you have to give up the goodies that you are so used to, smoking and tanning, but all this is worth the skin of your face to shine with beauty and health, and not attract the attention of others with its terrible rashes. In addition, if adversity could not be avoided, you will have to provide problematic skin with a special, more thorough and competent care.
If you do not pay proper attention to problem skin, its condition will only worsen. Surely many more than once met girls with a pretty appearance, but with a lot of foundation and powder on their faces, which could not hide under them a terrible kind of acne all over their faces. Running skin diseases are difficult to treat, especially if they are aggravated by the constant use of decorative cosmetics, which only enhances the rashes, preventing the skin from breathing fully. At the first appearance of any neoplasm, in parallel with the elimination of the causes of adversity, it is necessary to provide decent and proper care to problem skin.
- Normalize your diet: enrich your diet with fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, while eliminating red fruits. Limit the intake of fatty, smoked, salty, spicy, pickled foods as much as possible. Drink more juices (again not red) and regular mineral water, excluding carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
- Do not remove neoplasms on the skin yourself.
Many mistakenly believe that if they squeeze out a jumping pimple, burn out acne, they will disappear. As a result, ugly scars remain on this place - small, but noticeable for life. And the number of rashes after such home procedures becomes twice as much. This threatens the further spread of the inflammatory process and infection, which will have to be treated exclusively on an outpatient basis. At the same time, there is a high risk of blood poisoning, since at home it is impossible to ensure the ideal sterility that should accompany such manipulations.
To soothe irritated skin and accelerate its recovery, it is also recommended to make homemade anti-inflammatory cosmetic masks 2-3 times a week.
Homemade cosmetic masks with anti-inflammatory effect can soothe irritated skin for a while and reduce the number of rashes. With proper care for problem skin, recovery will occur much faster.
- Dilute baking yeast (1 tablespoon) with sour milk (3 tablespoons), add lemon juice (1 teaspoon), hydrogen peroxide (5 drops).
- Beat the protein, add the lemon pulp (1 teaspoon).
- Beat the protein, add the zest of lemon, previously crushed into flour (1 teaspoon), oatmeal (1 tablespoon).
- Mix baker's yeast (1 tablespoon) with berry or fruit juice (lemon, currant, cranberry, pomegranate), dilute with a small amount of cold water to make the mask moderately thick.
- Bake yeast (1 tablespoon) diluted with kefir to the desired density.
- Mix potato flour with yogurt to the desired density.
- Fat-free cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) mix with kefir (3 tablespoons).
If you have problem skin: acne, acne, weeping sores, black spots, etc. - do not despair. This is not a sentence from which you have to suffer all your life.
This is all you need in the fight for clean, beautiful, smooth and even skin.
Problem skin - a definition used in relation to skin prone to excessive dryness or greasiness, the appearance of acne, vascular defects, pigmentation and other cosmetic imperfections. Signs of problem skin are unhealthy color, redness, uneven uneven surfaces, enlarged pores, acne, comedones, etc. Adolescents and people suffering from diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems often encounter such phenomena. To solve certain skin problems, a consultation with a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, a comprehensive medical examination, elimination of identified endogenous disorders, and the organization of proper skin care are necessary.
Skin whose condition is not distinguished by freshness and health, on which there are acne rashes, vascular or age spots, scars, scars, is called problematic. Such skin troubles can happen in any person. Even perfect skin undergoes changes due to hormonal changes in the body with age. Stress and other adverse factors can affect the condition of the skin and cause a number of the listed cosmetic defects. By its type, problem skin can be oily, dry, combination, and by chronological age - young, mature or aging. Problematic skin is the most common complaint that leads a person to the dermatocosmetologist's office.
- acne acne
- furunculosis
- excessive skin greasy
- unhealthy skin color, pallor
- excessive dryness of the skin
- Spider veins
- itchy skin
- yellowness of the skin
- dark spots
- allergic skin reactions
- fungal infections, candidiasis
- sagging skin
- early wrinkles
Depending on the age, general condition and health of the body, on the type of skin and many other reasons, skin problems can be temporary and quickly passing, but can cause serious distress. If the skin of the face consists of patches of dry, normal and oily, it is called combination. This type of skin is especially common in women. The central or T-zone of the face (forehead, nose, chin) is covered with oily skin. Around the eyes, on the cheeks and on the neck - the skin is normal or dry. Oily skin and dry sensitive skin are the most problematic types.
Oily skin is most often possessed by brunettes and young girls and women. Unlike other types, oily skin is not threatened by the appearance of premature wrinkles. But she has other serious problems. Oily skin is characterized by greasy shine, large pores, yellowish olive color, poor circulation. Oily skin is fraught with acne and oily seborrhea, especially during puberty as a result of hormonal changes in the body.
Dry skin lacks natural protection in the form of sebum, which in this type is produced in insufficient quantities. That is why dry skin looks like that - dry and flaky. Dry skin is susceptible to external factors: adverse climatic and weather conditions, mechanical stress (rough clothing or contact with a male beard). The result of these effects is skin irritation, redness and rash. Dry skin does not tolerate bad water; after washing, there is discomfort and a feeling of tightness of the skin. Dry skin is very "legible" in relation to cosmetics, certain components included in their composition can cause undesirable consequences.
Problem skin is not a disease. It was previously believed that problematic skin rashes are caused by poor nutrition and lack of hygiene. Currently, it is believed that the basis of skin problems are psychological factors, such as stress, and improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Signs of problematic skin include: increased activity of the sebaceous glands, the presence of dry and oily areas of the skin, enlarged pores in the form of craters. As a result of the accumulation of fat in pores and hair follicles, exfoliated dead cells and exposure to pathogenic bacteria, rashes appear on the skin, especially painful in the back, face and chest.
Problematic skin can serve as a signal of a disease of the digestive system and malfunctions in the endocrine system. Some skin problems are a consequence of a predisposition transmitted by inheritance, such as the formation of age spots.
Hormonal changes in the body, not only at a young age, but also at the time of aging, can provoke a number of skin problems. Skin aging is caused by a slowdown in collagen synthesis. The skin becomes less elastic and elastic. The age-related features of dry skin further exacerbate the problems associated with damage to the skin barrier and increased dryness. In addition, the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases, the intracellular processes slow down, and the level of hyaluronic acid decreases.
Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the beauty and health of the skin. Only a specialist is able to establish the true cause of the disease and prescribe an individual treatment according to the type of skin. Timely contacting a specialist cosmetologist or dermatologist will help to eliminate skin problems and restore lost freshness and smoothness to it.
The task of a cosmetologist is to identify the individual causes of skin problems and to choose together with you a method for eliminating them using procedures that are suitable specifically for your case. There are a variety of modern techniques that are aimed at eliminating, adjusting and slowing down the negative processes associated with age-related skin changes and other adverse factors.
A good positive effect is given by procedures using biogel or Botox. To smooth wrinkles, mesotherapy has been successfully used - the introduction of special medicines or homeopathic medicines by injection into the layers of the skin lying after the epidermis (mesoderm). This method is very effective in treating other problems caused by aging or hormonal disruptions. Aesthetic medicine and dermatology adopted it in the fight against cellulite, obesity, varicose veins, stretch marks, scars, puffiness and aging of the skin.
The method of electrocoagulation (diathermocoagulation) - cauterization of problematic skin tissues with electric current - is used to eliminate acne, "spider veins", moles, papillomas. To treat problematic and rejuvenating aging skin, the ozone therapy method is used. Its essence is to carry out massage procedures with ozonized oil, subcutaneous and intradermal injections of the ozone-oxygen mixture. This method has gained wide popularity due to its effective effect on facial wrinkles and improving complexion.
Problem skin needs a procedure like peeling. With the help of peeling, the skin is freed from the layer of dead cells, freedom is given to the formation and growth of young cells. Facelift is an indispensable cosmetic procedure for tightening aging skin, with teenage acne, for correcting fresh stretch marks and other manifestations of problematic skin.
Modern hardware cosmetology makes extensive use of ultrasound methods for treating problem skin. As a result of phonophoresis (a combination of ultrasound and special means), metabolic processes in the skin cells are activated and lymphatic drainage is enhanced. Cryodestruction (cryosurgery) and cryotherapy are dry cold air treatments. These methods have been successfully applied in cosmetology and dermatology for the treatment of problem skin.
Removal of keratomas, dark spots, warts, scars, and tattoos by cryodestruction by local cooling to low temperatures attracts little trauma and gives good results. Cryotherapy (cryomassage) consists in a short-term exposure to problem areas of the skin with low temperatures, resulting in a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, and then their expansion. At the same time, reserve capillaries "wake up", blood flow to the place of exposure to cold is stimulated, metabolic processes are activated. Cryotherapy is used to strengthen hair roots and smooth wrinkles.
Phytohormone therapy is a new method in the treatment of problem skin. This method is aimed at eliminating hormonal imbalances - one of the main factors causing skin problems.
The main questions of owners of problematic skin - how to eliminate oily sheen and is it realistic to prevent acne? We will try to give an answer, and at the same time we will tell you what beauty products to use and which cosmetic procedures to record.
- Signs of problem skin
- Causes of Problems
- What skin can be problematic
- How to care for problem skin
- Skin problems
- Cosmetics
- Beauty treatments
Beauticians, as a rule, call oily skin, prone to acne and acne, as a problem. In patients suffering from acne, the formation of sebum increases significantly and its composition changes (the concentration of linoleic acid decreases). This leads to hyperkeratosis, and subsequently to clogging of pores and the appearance of closed and open comedones, or black dots.
So, the main characteristics of problem skin:
Distinctive features of problem skin are black spots, oily sheen, pimples, and enlarged pores.
The amount of sebaceous glands in the body of each person is genetically incorporated. But the intensity of these glands can change throughout life. Skin problems can accompany you not only in puberty, but also appear in 30-40 years.
What can cause them:
- hormonal imbalance;
- improperly selected care;
- insufficient skin cleansing;
- environmental pollution;
Oily skin is considered to be problematic, but everything is individual, so options are possible.
It is characterized by oily sheen and enlarged pores in the T-zone.
Characteristics - oily shine and enlarged pores throughout the face.
It shows a greasy sheen, enlarged pores, comedones. Inflammatory rashes - throughout the face or in its individual zones. Plus redness, peeling, burning, a feeling of tightness that occurs with medical treatment and aggressive care.
In problem skin care, the most important step is cleansing.
Perhaps the most important step in oily skin care is cleansing. In the morning and in the evening, by special means.
One of the main problems of owners of oily skin prone to acne is a violation of the surface hydrolipidic layer. As a result of aggressive care or treatment, the skin becomes dehydrated and sensitive. Therefore, it is important to avoid soap, alcohol-containing cosmetics and choose products with a pH of 5.0–5.5 (that is, they correspond to the normal pH of the skin).
The composition of funds for problem skin should contain acids, components with anti-inflammatory and matting effects.
Trying to get rid of oily sheen, owners of problem skin cleanse the skin "to squeak" using aggressive means and thereby achieve the opposite effect - violate the hydrolipidic layer, provoke new inflammation and dryness.
Choose mild products such as zinc. It regulates the production of sebum. Also, the composition must contain reducing components.
Invest in foams and tonics. Be careful with scrubs. If you have an acute phase of acne, it is better to refuse mechanical exfoliants, they can strengthen the inflammatory process. If acne is already behind, use the scrub twice a week. Choose one that contains antibacterial and seboregulatory components.
Scrubs are not always suitable for problem skin, but she really loves masks with clay.
This important step in oily skin care is often ignored, mistakenly thinking that moisturizing will provoke a greasy shine. Contrary to myths, oily skin can and should be moisturized to restore the hydrolipidic mantle. Choose light textures - vibes and mousses.
Do not forget about the need to protect your already vulnerable skin from ultraviolet radiation. Both regular day and foundation should contain SPF sun protection factors.
Wash your face with lukewarm water. Hot dries the skin and stimulates the production of sebum.
Carefully remove makeup every night. If using oil or milk, rinse with water.
For a morning wash, pick a soft gel with fruit acids, then apply a tonic and moisturizer.
Exfoliating agents such as scrubs and peels should not contain too large abrasive particles, otherwise there is a risk of causing microdamage to the skin, which can then turn into inflammation.
Before applying the cream, refresh the skin with a tonic, it will visually narrow the pores. Tonic formulas often have a cumulative effect - after a month of regular use, you will definitely notice that the skin has become more even.
Use matting wipes throughout the day. As soon as you notice a greasy shine, blot them with the T-zone and chin.
Foundation should be light and contain soothing and caring components.
Endless Freshness Cleansing Gel, L’Oréal Paris, with rose and jasmine extracts.
Gel, scrub, 3-in-1 Pure Skin mask, Garnier, with zinc, pumice and white clay.
Mineral pore cleansing mask, Vichy, with white clay, allantoin and aloe vera.
Mattifying cream-sorbet "Revitalizing Moisturizing", Garnier, with green tea extract.
A fast acting agent against imperfections of Normaderm Hyaluspot, Vichy, with salicylic, lipohydroxy and hyaluronic acids.
Exfopro Active Skin Facial Cleansing Gel, Garnier, against acne for oily skin with salicylic acid.
Epidermal Re-Texturizing Micro-Dermabrasion, Kiehl’s skin texture renewer, with alumina powder, alginate and shea butter.
Effaclar Purifying Matte Mask, La Roche-Posay, with two types of mineral clay.
Corrective care against imperfections Normaderm 24H, Vichy, with salicylic acid.
Locac Corrective Effaclar A.I., La Roche-Posay, with niacinamide and lipohydroxy acid.
Below is a list of the most effective methods that cosmetologists resort to to alleviate the condition of problem skin.
In addition to cosmetic care, there are cosmetic procedures for problem skin.

It is usually used to smooth out the microrelief of the skin (including post-acne correction). As a means of combating acne and post-acne, aqueous solutions or gels based on various acids are used:
Today it is one of the most effective methods. A safe method of regenerative medicine is based on the principles of auto-stimulation. Its essence lies in the release of plasma from the patient’s blood and its introduction by injection.
Platelet-rich plasma has a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect.
A course of 3–7 procedures in combination with chemical peels and laser resurfacing is recommended.
Effective anti-inflammatory technique for acne. Procedures are recommended to be done in a course of 10-15 sessions. The result is a significant reduction in inflammation, lightening post-inflammatory spots and the prevention of new rashes.
Causes of rashes and problem skin care: when problems are on the face
Acne, redness and other skin problems are often the result of a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
Skin problems can be caused by both external and internal causes.
Often, rashes on the face indicate violations in the work of the gall bladder, stomach, intestines or liver.
The cause of skin problems can be including various types of pathogenic bacteria and toxins that upset the balance of normal intestinal microflora.
Problematic skin of the face can be a consequence of a violation of the diet or prolonged use of medications.
The lack of timely cleansing of harmful substances can adversely affect the condition of the skin.
You can find out how the skin condition depends on the diet by passing a special test.
Lactofiltrum is a natural enterosorbent that removes various types of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins from the intestines. This can have a positive effect on the skin condition.
In the fight for beautiful and healthy skin, not all remedies are good. Many people prefer to use "external" methods - from advertised creams and cleansing tonics to complex masking of acne with cosmetics and cosmetic procedures. But sooner or later there comes a moment of despair, that very critical point when it is necessary to recognize: even expensive creams and procedures bring only a temporary effect ...
Rashes on the skin are not so often the result of external influences, because the natural cover of the body has its own powerful mechanisms of protection against environmental threats. But it is much more difficult to resist the internal problems of the skin, because from this side it does not expect "attacks". It is such deep-seated malfunctions in the body’s work that often become the real cause of skin imperfections, because of which it is commonly called "problem". And if up to 20 years there is a standard excuse - "this is teenage, it will pass", then at an older age, constant rashes on the skin indicate health problems.
The most striking example is adolescent acne, resulting from the development and formation of the hormonal system. This also includes manifestations of rashes in the premenstrual period in women. At an older age with an established hormonal background, problem skin can be a consequence of increased testosterone levels.
The skin integument also includes its own immune cells, the so-called Langerhans cells. Violate their functions can be both external factors - UV radiation, cosmetics, and internal, arising from frequent stresses, bad habits or violation of nutrition rules.
Rashes on the skin may well be transmitted "by inheritance." If one of the parents has hormonal disorders, there are changes in the sebaceous glands, the pathological composition of sebum, that is, the child is likely to develop the same problems over time.
Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and malnutrition
Malfunctions in the mechanism of the gastrointestinal tract can cause intoxication of the body. Failures in the intestines or stomach contribute to the "stagnation" of undigested food, which in turn becomes a real poison for the body, turning into toxins. The skin performs an excretory function, which means that it also has to deal with gastrointestinal problems. But the organ is not designed for such loads, so the skin ducts are clogged with harmful substances, as a result of which foci of inflammation form on it.
The reaction of the body to various stimuli can manifest itself in the form of rashes, inflammation, and itching on the skin. Almost any product or even a weather phenomenon can become an allergen - from milk and nuts to frosty air.
According to some experts, the cause of acne can be determined by the zone of their location on the face:
- nose bridge - abnormalities in the liver, its inability to cope with toxins;
- forehead - malfunctions in the digestive tract, abuse of fatty and spicy foods;
- cheeks - the reason lies in the lungs. Perhaps this is the result of addiction to smoking;
- chin - pimples in this area become frequent companions of hormonal malfunctions or diseases of the reproductive system in women.
There are several types of treatment procedures to restore the beauty and smoothness of the skin. But each is connected with the solution of a certain range of health problems.
In order to get rid of annoying pimples, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance, and then take measures to eliminate it. Often the solution to the problem is to use the following treatment methods.
With a mild severity of the rash, regular washings with gentle antibacterial agents are enough. In more severe cases of problematic skin, external care products with medicinal additives, for example, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, can be used.
With the hormonal nature of rashes in adult women, a special course of oral contraceptive therapy can be prescribed - this treatment is strictly prescribed by the doctor.
In severe cases, antibiotic therapy in combination with other methods of treatment may be required to avoid the onset of resistance of skin inflammations to the drug.
If problem skin is the result of an allergic reaction of the body, then the exposure to the allergen should be stopped, and in many cases, the adoption of antihistamines and external steroid and non-steroid ointments is indicated. When it comes to food allergies, an adequate measure in the framework of complex therapy may be the use of medicinal sorbents designed to remove the irritant from the body.
Such methods can hardly be called eliminating acne, because they are aimed solely at the external manifestations of the problem. Nevertheless, cosmetic procedures allow you to quickly acquire a smooth and beautiful skin, if used in combination with therapeutic measures or in the most mild cases of problem rashes. These methods include:
- cryotherapy, cold treatment;
- ozone therapy, ozone injections;
- face cleaning (manual, ultrasonic).
As we already mentioned, often the causes of acne on the face are associated with digestive problems. Therefore, proper nutrition helps to get rid of rashes on problem skin. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweet, as well as fatty foods and pastries. Many of those who were faced with the question of how to cure problem skin note positive results when abandoning dairy products. But it is worth keeping in mind that the effect of diet therapy can be delayed in time, since the body needs time to cleanse the accumulated toxins.
Despite the fact that the main emphasis must be placed on solving an internal problem, one should not completely forget about external factors.
The first and most important rule of homemade acne control methods is that you can’t manually clean your face yourself. "Squeezing" acne without appropriate preparation and preliminary procedures is too much risk of spreading the infection or unnecessarily injuring the skin.
There are 3 types of care products, the use of which supports the effect of complex treatment procedures for problem skin - moisturizing, toning and cleansing. It is highly advisable to give preference to any one product line if you are not aware of the principles of the correct combination of formulations.
With problematic skin, it is worth abandoning care products with a high content of alcohol or alkaline soap. When choosing cosmetic products, pay attention to their purpose - the inscription "for all types" often does not imply problematic skin, but only speaks of three common types - dry, oily or combination. But if the product has the mark "noncomedogenic" ("does not clog the pores") or "for acne-prone skin" ("for skin prone to rashes"), then it is more likely to help care.
Rashes on the skin of the face is a fairly common problem, not only among adolescents and young people, but also among those who have crossed the threshold of the 25th anniversary. Beautiful clean skin in adulthood is the result of taking care of yourself. And not only external, involving the use of cosmetics, but also internal.
Finding the right answer to the question of how to deal with problematic skin of the face can turn into a long and painful process - if you approach the solution of the problem from only one side. Of course, this does not mean that you need to be treated "for everything at once", but factors that uniquely affect the condition of the skin must be taken into account in any situation. Problems with the digestive system always affect the skin condition, which means that normalization of the gastrointestinal tract functions is indispensable.
Proper nutrition and diet therapy in this matter are important components. But the effect of switching to healthy food is too slow if the body is "contaminated" with toxins due to previous eating habits. To speed up the process of transformation, many dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend the use of enterosorbents, which "absorb" the harmful substances formed during digestion. But with prolonged use, such drugs can harm the intestinal microflora, so you should pay attention to complex preparations containing prebiotics. One of such preparations is Lactofiltrum with a natural sorbent lignin and a prebiotic lactulose. It not only cleanses the body of "everything superfluous," but also restores the microflora, which as a result has a beneficial effect on the skin.
By: Dr. Erin Gilbert