Is psoriasis contagious to others?

Psoriasis with all its appearance speaks of its “infectiousness”. Pink raised plaques all over the body, flaky skin, ugly clouded nails with grooves involuntarily instill fear of infection in others. Sometimes ordinary people confuse the disease with eczema or


Psoriasis with all its appearance speaks of its “infectiousness”. Pink raised plaques all over the body, flaky skin, ugly clouded nails with grooves involuntarily instill fear of infection in others. Sometimes ordinary people confuse the disease with eczema or

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How to reduce psoriasis itching and achieve remission faster

Itchy psoriasis is one of the most annoying symptoms. It is exhausting and reduces the quality of life. If the cosmetic manifestations of the disease can be hidden by clothing, then you cannot hide from the itching. It becomes a


Itchy psoriasis is one of the most annoying symptoms. It is exhausting and reduces the quality of life. If the cosmetic manifestations of the disease can be hidden by clothing, then you cannot hide from the itching. It becomes a

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How papules differ from pustules

Acne is familiar to all of us. Dermatologists call them papules and pustules. If the pimple is just a pink, inflamed bump above the surface of the skin, then it is a papule. If there is pus in


Acne is familiar to all of us. Dermatologists call them papules and pustules. If the pimple is just a pink, inflamed bump above the surface of the skin, then it is a papule. If there is pus in

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Factors provoking psoriasis: how to avoid exacerbations

Psoriasis is a common dermatological disease that has raised many questions from ancient times to the present day. The disease does not pose a threat to others, it does not have an infectious component, but at


Psoriasis is a common dermatological disease that has raised many questions from ancient times to the present day. The disease does not pose a threat to others, it does not have an infectious component, but at

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The most effective acne remedies for teens

Acne is a common companion of growing up. It brings not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical inconvenience. Experts agree that teenage rashes are a temporary phenomenon, and with the normalization of hormonal levels in most people,


Acne is a common companion of growing up. It brings not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical inconvenience. Experts agree that teenage rashes are a temporary phenomenon, and with the normalization of hormonal levels in most people,

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How to remove a wart – what to choose: traditional methods or official medicine

The desire to learn all possible ways to remove a wart at home is understandable, since the appearance of these neoplasms causes great discomfort and even pain. But, trying to do it yourself, you can face


The desire to learn all possible ways to remove a wart at home is understandable, since the appearance of these neoplasms causes great discomfort and even pain. But, trying to do it yourself, you can face

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