How to remove a wart – what to choose: traditional methods or official medicine

The desire to learn all possible ways to remove a wart at home is understandable, since the appearance of these neoplasms causes great discomfort and even pain. But, trying to do it yourself, you can face serious consequences. Consider the popular alternative methods and their possible complications, as well as which doctor to contact to remove the wart. 

Pharmacy drugs against warts

To remove warts at home, people use folk remedies or pharmaceutical preparations. Among the latter, immunomodulating and antiviral drugs are especially common:

  • Oxolinic ointment. This is an antiviral ointment that is applied to problem areas of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Viferon. Antiviral and at the same time immunomodulatory ointment, which makes cells actively regenerate.
  • Isoprinosine and Acyclovir. Antiviral drugs used in pill form, taken by mouth.
  • Salicylic acid. Has a cauterizing effect. It is used in the form of a 5 or 10% solution, which is applied directly to the neoplasm. It is important to avoid getting acid on healthy skin, otherwise it can cause burns.

Many people decide to remove the wart with Salipod. This is another pharmacy drug, but presented already in the form of a patch. It is used to remove plantar warts on the feet. The patch is based on salicylic acid, which has a cauterizing effect. The patch softens the top layer of the skin, which you then need to remove yourself. But it is important to bear in mind that Salipod does not always completely remove the wart and does not exclude the risk of its reappearance.

A specialized pharmaceutical preparation for removing warts also includes:

  • Verrukacid,
  • Hemosol,
  • Kollomak,
  • Flexitol,
  • Intensive,
  • Balzamed.

How to remove a wart with home remedies

Celandine is a popular folk remedy for wart removal. It is necessary to squeeze out the juice of this plant and apply it to the neoplasm without affecting healthy skin. Otherwise, a burn may remain around the wart, which heals for a long time. To avoid this, many, before removing the wart with celandine, treat neighboring tissues with baby cream. But even in this case, you must be as careful as possible when applying the product.

A few more methods common in traditional medicine:

  • Remove the wart with iodine. Has a cauterizing effect. The essence of the method is to apply a cotton swab moistened with iodine. It is also applied directly to the wart itself.
  • Remove the wart with garlic. Sulfur compounds in its composition have an antiviral effect, therefore it is believed that garlic helps faster than other methods. Ointments, infusions and compresses are made from it.

Why you can not remove neoplasms on the skin yourself

First of all, self-removal of the wart most often does not allow it to be done aesthetically. After the procedure, difficult healing wounds remain, and then in their place – scars and scars. Other consequences include:

  • severe bleeding when removing large warts;
  • increased risk of wound infection;
  • the development of an allergic reaction;
  • getting a burn;
  • damage to adjacent healthy tissue.

The disadvantages of home methods also include the duration of treatment. For example, the application of ointments should take place over several months, and this does not guarantee the onset of a positive result. In this case, the processing has to be carried out even several times a day.

Also, when deciding to remove a wart at home, a person exposes himself to some danger. Experts do not recommend doing this on your own using folk methods, and there are several reasons for this:

  • You may not know exactly what types of neoplasms have appeared on your skin. This can only be determined during specialized diagnostics, which allows you to assess the degree of danger of education.  
  • Removing the neoplasm on your own can lead to an exacerbation, and the number of warts will increase – they will spread to adjacent areas of the skin. 
  • Improper exposure to the wart can increase the risk of a benign neoplasm developing into a malignant one.

Official medicine methods

The PsorMak clinic specializes in one of the safest and most effective methods of removing warts. It is based on the use of the specialized apparatus “Surgitron”. It has the function of influencing high frequency radio waves.  

The use of the device “Surgitron” allows you to quickly remove the wart. In comparison with other official methods (laser, electrocautery, cryodestruction, surgical excision), this method has several advantages:

  • availability due to the low cost of the procedure; 
  • fast tissue healing (in 5-7 days);
  • almost complete absence of contraindications;
  • keeping healthy tissue intact;
  • no scars and scars after removal;
  • the minimum duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.
event_note November 4, 2021

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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