The most effective acne remedies for teens

Acne is a common companion of growing up. It brings not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical inconvenience. Experts agree that teenage rashes are a temporary phenomenon, and with the normalization of hormonal levels in most people, the problem is solved by itself. But even at a young age, unpleasant manifestations can not only be alleviated, but reduced to nothing. How to get rid of acne on the face of a teenager, will tell the specialists of the clinic “PsorMak”.

Proper nutrition

The skin reflects our way of life in many ways. With the abuse of fried and fatty foods, toxins entering the bloodstream negatively affect the condition of the tissues. Doctors recommend eating a healthy diet, consuming adequate amounts of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber. The latter ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the formation of constipation, which also has a positive effect on skin health.

If possible, you need to give up smoked meats, mayonnaise, chocolate, semi-finished products. The abundance of flour products and excessive consumption of sugar are also negatively reflected in appearance. Often, restrictions on sweets give a quick and visible result.

Drinking regimen

To get rid of acne in a teenager and minimize rashes, you must follow the drinking regimen. It is required to drink at least one and a half to two liters of clean water per day; in summer or with intense physical exertion, the volume must be increased.

Many toxins are eliminated from the body in the urine. It is important that the body does not experience a fluid deficiency and promptly dispose of unnecessary substances.

Hormonal disorders or what to do with acne in a teenager

A common cause of acne in adolescents is hormonal changes in the body. For example, in girls, before and during menstruation, the manifestations of acne become more pronounced. Although in adolescence, hormonal changes are considered the norm, however, with a strong severity of rashes and associated problems, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist and dermatologist. Complex consultation and examination is offered by the PsorMak dermatological clinic. We employ the best specialists to help you cope with acne. 


To effectively combat acne in adolescents it is necessary to remember about skin hygiene. It is important to regularly cleanse the face of sebum, get rid of dead cells. Blackheads or comedones are formed when the ducts are blocked by sebum. Under the influence of air, the secretion is oxidized and it acquires a dark color. If the duct is not cleaned in time, the contents of the pore will accumulate and form a painful pimple. 

For hygiene, experts recommend the following measures:

  • daily cleaning of the skin with cosmetics and water;
  • the use of tonics, lotions based on salicylic acid (it has a drying effect and regulates the secretion of sebum);
  • the use of moisturizing care products for skin type;
  • regular use of scrubs to exfoliate dead cells;
  • facial cleansing by a specialist.

It is important to understand that solving a problem requires regularity and accuracy.

Things to Avoid

Considering the question of how to treat acne in a teenager, one should dwell on the causes of exacerbation. New rashes can be caused by the following factors:  

  • abuse of fatty and sweet foods;
  • water scarcity;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • infection of acne with dirty hands;
  • self-squeezing acne and trauma to nearby skin areas.

Often, the inflammatory process is provoked by bacteria that enter the blocked ducts. To avoid this, experts recommend:

  • make sure that the hair does not cover the skin of the face;
  • do not touch the inflammation with your hands;
  • do not comb the rash;
  • do not squeeze pimples yourself.

Failure to follow the rules will exacerbate the problem.


The most effective remedies for acne for teens are medications. Their appointment requires medical qualifications. The course of treatment should also be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. Medicines are produced in the form of tonics, creams, ointments. The choice of the drug depends on the type of rash, the intensity of skin lesions, the type of epidermis and the patient’s history. 

event_note November 9, 2021

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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