Myths and truths about eels

Perhaps no skin problem is associated with as many myths and prejudices as acne or, scientifically, acne. What theories are not told to each other by those who are faced with this problem! So what is true and what is not …

1. To avoid acne, you need to follow a strict diet.

After all, if you use sweets, flour and smoked meats, then there will be more acne. The idea that the nature of food influences the appearance of acne and acne is somewhat outdated. Of course, overeating sweet, smoked and spicy foods can complicate the course of any skin disease. However, food is not the true cause of acne, and diet alone cannot cure acne.

2. Acne occurs only in young people.

Acne also occurs in people of mature age, on average up to 40 years. The reason for this may be the disruption of the endocrine and gonads, the use of certain drugs, doping, harmful working conditions, the use of low-quality cosmetics.

3. Regular and frequent sexual contacts save from acne and acne.

Probably, to all, without exception, young girls who look sadly at another pimple, grandmothers or mothers say the standard phrase: “When you get married, everything will pass!” Roughly the same meaning is put into explanatory and comforting remarks intended for male adolescents. However, all this is not true. The presence or absence of sexual contacts, as well as their frequency, does not affect the appearance or disappearance of acne.

4. If you start doing cosmetic cleansing, then they will have to be done constantly, and acne will increase.

This is not true. You won’t get rid of acne by just cleaning, but it won’t get rid of any more comedones . There are those who believe that regular cleansing is acne treatment. But this belief is also wrong. Cleaning, as the name implies, unclogs the pores, improves skin condition, but does not cure the disease, the causes of which we have described separately.

5. Acne can be cured by cleansing the body.

Alas, this is not the case. Slagging of the body is not the cause of acne and acne.
The trigger here, as already mentioned, is heredity or hormonal imbalance in the body. However, a competently carried out cleansing of the body with the subsequent adherence to the principles of rational nutrition can improve complexion, increase mood and self-esteem, and against this background, the skin is no longer perceived as “very problematic”! Thus, the vicious circle is broken, in which the state of depression, depression due to acne contributes to the aggravation of the problem. It’s no secret that most people – especially those who have any kind of rash – tend to exaggerate their physical disabilities.

6. Acne occurs from external skin pollution.

Until recently, this misconception was widespread. Acne was considered almost a disease of dirty hands. And the presence of black dots was explained by dust settling in the pores. And therefore, frequent washing was declared almost a panacea. Of course, you cannot do without cleansing your skin with water and detergents. However, the cleanser must be correctly selected for the type of skin, and the washing process itself must prepare the skin for the application of medicinal substances.
Nevertheless, the number of washings should not exceed twice a day. If it becomes necessary to do this more often, it is better to use, for example, cleansing wipes.

7. In case of acne, do not use decorative cosmetics.

Who does not know these chilling threats from neighbors: “If you cover up pimples, they will never pass!” Of course, the relatives are partly right, but only partly. If camouflage agents are chosen correctly and are not used in the acute stage of the disease, when there are many pustules and acne, then they will not worsen the situation. The main thing is that the remedy is non-comedogenic , that is, it does not cause an even greater appearance of acne. Choosing this is not a problem now. Moreover, some brands produce special tonal and masking creams for people with problem skin, these products not only do not aggravate the course of the disease, but also help get rid of it.

8. Acne can be treated with sun exposure.

Nothing like this. Practicing dermatologists and cosmetologists even have such an expression – an autumn exacerbation of acne,
associated with such a summer ” cure ” of pimples and acne. However, the myth about the healing effects of the sun on problem skin remains one of the most enduring. The fact is that ultraviolet light has the ability to disinfect and therefore really slightly reduces the number of pimples, but only a little and not for a very long time. Simply due to sunburn, all the problems that plague acne sufferers such as acne, pimples, enlarged pores and uneven pigmentation become less noticeable. But this temporary masking effect is fraught with a further exacerbation of the disease, since high doses of ultraviolet radiation weaken the local immune defenses, increase sebum production and further complicate the rejection of skin scales in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, thereby causing even more rashes.

9. If acne is treated for a long time, then the doctor is bad.

Acne is treated worldwide for an average of 2-3 months, and sometimes longer. It depends on the form and severity of the disease. But after completing the treatment and improving the condition of the skin, proper care is needed to prevent the occurrence of acne and acne, because the predisposition to their appearance cannot be completely removed.

event_note September 22, 2020

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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