Follicular hyperkeratosis. What can be done

The unaesthetic appearance of the skin of people suffering from the syndrome of so-called goose bumps gives them many worries. The skin in different parts of the body, on the limbs, and sometimes on the face becomes rough, is covered with nodules resembling thorns, which have a reddish color. By external similarity to the skin of a goose, follicular hyperkeratosis is called goose skin. This condition of the skin is often a common symptom for relatives, it is difficult to treat, it can spread over the entire surface of the body and may worsen with a cold snap. Treatment individually, varies for each person separately.

Causes of follicular hyperkeratosis.
This pathology appears as a result of changes that occur in the epidermis. In its normal state, keratinized skin flakes are desquamated. In the case of hyperkeratosis, this process stops, keratin accumulates in the scales, they condense and seal the funnels of the hair follicles. Outwardly, it resembles goose bumps: small reddish pimples of a pointed shape at the base of the hairs. Most often, the places of their accumulation are the external femoral and gluteal zone, elbows and knees. sometimes they can dot the entire surface of the body.

Causes of the occurrence and development of follicular hyperkeratosis
Hormonal disruptions
Inadequate intake of vitamins A, C, K
Stress and diseases of neurological origin
Consequences of allergic reactions.
With a deficiency of vitamins of group A, the skin in the elbows, buttocks and knees is covered with a reddish rash, when touched it resembles sandpaper. In case of vitamin C deficiency, the follicle openings are blocked with blood, not with accumulated scales. A bloody rash is localized on the femoral and abdominal regions.

Symptoms of hyperkeratosis and treatment methods The
formation of hyperkeratosis in appearance resembles reddish pointed nodules with an inflamed edge at the base of the follicle, no larger than a match head. The skin becomes dry and rough to the touch; it looks like goosebumps, with only a reddish tint.
This skin disease may be accompanied by slight itching. If you try to scratch or apply improper care, such as rough scrubbing, then you can attach to the inflammation and bacterial infection with the appearance of a rash in the form of pustules.
The treatment program for follicular dermatosis is individual in each individual case. Non-rigid chemical peels with acids, such as salicylic, are used. Local hormonal ointments are prescribed. Be sure to include vitamin therapy, an individual course in the treatment complex. Recommendations are given on home skin care, which is based on moisturizing and softening the skin – for this, skin care products containing emollients are recommended.
Follicular hyperkeratosis is not a threat to human life or health. Places of inflammation, with rare exceptions, do not cause discomfort or pain. Most manifestations of this disease affect the psyche, upsetting a person with an unpleasant appearance of the skin. Timely diagnosis and individual therapy allows you to change for the better the quality of human life and make manifestations of the so-called goose skin less noticeable or get rid of them altogether.

Modern pharmacology has not yet created a cure for this type of keratosis, therefore, when this problem occurs, several specialists need a consultation and a wide range of drugs: from ointments, lotions, scrubs to vitamins A and C. Popular methods are popular. For example, bath skin with infusions of oats, mint, birch buds and leaves, as well as sage, is well softened. Showing lotions using apple cider vinegar. The bathhouse with a birch broom helps a lot. Saline exfoliation, cosmetic blue clay and milk wraps, and more are recommended.

Although there is no panacea for goosebump syndrome, applying the advice of a dermatologist and knowledge of traditional medicine will help you choose the most suitable complexes for you that will change the condition of your skin, your well-being and life for the better.

event_note January 17, 2020

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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