Causes and treatment of acne on the head

If unpleasant and painful inflammation occurs on the scalp, it is imperative to find out the cause of their occurrence. Untimely or incorrect treatment of acne on the head can lead to an advanced form of dermatological pathology, as well as affect hair growth in a negative way, i.e. provoke their loss.

Reasons for education

Often, inflammatory processes on the scalp indicate abnormalities in the work of internal organs. If you have recurring acne in the scalp, you should be careful about your health, since such signs can be symptoms of the following problems:

  • Excessive sebum secretion, narrowing the follicular canals and causing them to be blocked and inflamed;
  • Nervous disorders, stress, stress;
  • Dysfunction of the hormonal system, especially during adolescence or depending on the female cycle.
  • Polycystic ovaries as a result of a sharp increase in their activity;
  • Disruptions in the functioning of the adrenal glands due to stress experienced;
  • Pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Infection of damaged skin with bacteria;
  • Fungal and microbial skin lesions on the head.

Other reasons that can provoke the appearance of acne are the following factors of external influence on the body:

  • Unbalanced diet, characterized by excessive consumption of sweet, fatty, spicy and fried foods;
  • Avitaminosis in terms of deficiency of vitamins A and E;
  • Drug therapy, especially with the use of hormonal medications;
  • Scalp reaction to chlorinated pool or tap water;
  • Individual intolerance to cosmetic care products such as shampoo, balm, hair dye or soap;
  • Consuming tobacco products or alcoholic beverages;
  • The use of synthetic fillers in bedding, bed linen made of fabrics containing artificial fibers;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules and regulations;
  • Influence of unfavorable temperature conditions.

Manifestation symptoms

The formation of acne on the scalp is accompanied by unpleasant phenomena in the form of itching, redness of the skin under the hair, painful seals under the skin up to a centimeter in size. As the acne matures, purulent fluid may accumulate in the cavity, which flows out after a certain time from the bursting inflammation. Acne can form without the formation of purulent masses, deeply located inflammations are fraught with scarring on the surface of the skin, or local hair loss in the damaged area of ​​the dermis.

Acne on the head can be either a single character, arising in different parts, or be scattered in the form of multiple rashes on the back of the head, on the border of the hair and neck from the back, in the area of ​​the temples or in the frontal part.

Pimples on the scalp do not have a medical classification into subspecies, for convenience they are conventionally divided into two types: acute inflammation and comedones . Depending on the type, the choice of therapy for the treatment of this dermatological pathology occurs.

The formation of comedones is associated with blockage of the sebaceous ducts due to excessive secretion of skin secretions and skin impurities. Such formations are not prone to inflammation, are hardly noticeable on the areas of the skin covered with hair and belong to aesthetic defects.

Inflammation, accompanied by redness and the formation of a purulent crown, is usually associated with infection of the skin, malfunctions in the functioning of internal systems and organs.

Drug therapy

The treatment of acne located on the head should be started with a diagnosis, since only a qualified doctor will be able to determine the cause of the onset of inflammatory formations and prescribe an appropriate treatment regimen.

You should be prepared that the treatment will take some time and require consistency and patience. In some cases, laboratory diagnostics may be required. And also consultations of narrow specialists:

  • Endocrinologist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Allergist.

Only an integrated approach to solving the problem will give a sustainable positive result. General recommendations for the treatment of acne on the head are as follows:

  • Compliance with a diet that excludes sweet, fatty, smoked, canned and spicy foods;
  • Replenishment of the lack of vitamins by eating a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables;
  • Eating a variety of micronutrients found in whole grains;
  • Normalization of intestinal microflora due to the intake of fermented milk products.

Determination and treatment of diseases, the signs of which are rashes on the scalp, cessation of tobacco and alcohol use, as well as the elimination of factors provoking allergic reactions in the form of cosmetics and chemicals, will relieve dermatological problems.

With severe damage and the progression of adverse symptoms, drug therapy with antibiotics may be required. Together with the appointment of such drugs, a dermatologist can prescribe antifungal medications, as well as medications to normalize the microflora of the digestive tract, on the state of which the general immunity of a person largely depends.

To remove the decay products of proteins and toxins, sorbents are prescribed, in case of rashes of an allergic nature, antihistamines are prescribed, which effectively relieve unpleasant symptoms. Prescriptions for sedatives may be prescribed to improve the functioning of the autonomic and central nervous systems and reduce the level of nervousness.

A blood test in women is informative in terms of the state of the hormonal system. With a lack of estradiol production in the body, hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed .

In addition to taking fortifying agents and a complex of vitamins, external medicines in the form of gels, ointments and lotions, as well as physiotherapy prescribed by courses, are used to treat acne .

Treatment with folk remedies

Rashes that are not complicated by concomitant symptoms and are not a manifestation of systemic pathologies of the body, after a preliminary diagnosis by the attending physician, can be cured with the help of alternative medicine recipes.


One of these methods is to use fresh strawberry juice to rub the scalp in the affected area, which helps to narrow the pores and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can also use calendula tincture, which has powerful antibacterial properties, diluted with water in a 1 to 10 ratio.

A decoction of dried or fresh dandelion herb effectively softens and soothes irritated skin, the infusion is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused in a thermos for two hours. After cooling to an acceptable temperature, the composition can be used for wipes or compresses.


A little rye bread is added to the herbal collection from an equal amount of dioecious nettle leaves, plantain and chamomile flowers, poured with hot water and brewed until it cools. The strained composition is brought to a pasty state with bread crumb and spread on the scalp for one hour under a towel.

Olive oil mixed with lemon juice is applied to the surface of the skin for one to two hours. The mask will work more effectively if you cover your head with a shower cap or cellophane and wrap it with a towel. The oil mask is washed off with warm water using a mild shampoo. Applying the composition to the entire length of the hair will have a beneficial effect on their condition, giving them shine and elasticity.

A two-week course of scalp masks, applied every other day, relieves inflammation and improves hair condition. For the procedure, it is necessary to pour one hundred grams of anise seeds into a container with water in advance and leave it overnight. In the morning, the seeds, crushed to a pasty state, are applied to problem areas, the head is wrapped in a warm towel for one hour.


An excellent fortifying, soothing and relieving effect of inflammation and irritation of the epidermis is exerted by regular rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs after each shampooing. For such procedures, such natural ingredients are used as:

  • Chamomile;
  • Sage;
  • Oak bark;
  • Nettle;
  • Sequence;
  • Calendula;
  • Melissa;
  • Mumiyo, etc.

Attentive attention to the signals that the body sends through rashes in the scalp, as well as timely diagnostics and therapy of diseases, will significantly reduce the time required to treat dermatological problems and restore beauty to hair and skin.

event_note January 18, 2021

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