Acne on the nose – a small problem, trouble – a lot

If you believe the omen, then the pimple that appeared on the nose, “portends” a new fan. But even a new boyfriend will not be able to compensate for a spoiled mood and a feeling of dissatisfaction with his “new” appearance, so the upcoming (supposedly) event does not carry anything joyful in itself. Moreover, no one has any evidence of how these situations in life can be related. And yet, why do acne appear on my nose ? And, most importantly, how to get rid of them? 

Types of Acne on the Nose

To begin, let’s look at how doctors classify all kinds of pimples and blackheads that “pop up” in the nose.

Itchy watery acne . Such a rash signals an exacerbation of herpes infection. Most often, they appear on the “wings” of the nose – on the right or left.

White pimples or as they are called in common people – “millet”. Outwardly, they resemble white nodules that can grow to the size of a pinhead. May be accompanied by inflammatory processes. The most common method for removing millet is electrocoagulation. 

Red acne . Such a rash usually matures for a long time, appearing as a result of cystic inflammation. If the rash is multiple, pimples can connect and create several exits, from which, when pressed, the sucrose stands out.

Purulent acne on the nose is a formation resulting from staphylococcus infection of red acne. Most often, abscesses jump on the tip of the nose in the form of a bubble with pus. Due to the large number of nerve endings at this place, these acne is very painful, so it is better to start treatment immediately after they appear.  

Pink acne appears when the skin of the nose is affected by an iron mite. This parasite lives and develops in the skin, which leads to coarsening and thickening of the epidermis. The most active development of such a tick is observed in people with gastrointestinal disorders. 

How to get rid of acne?

The main causes of acne on the nose are stress and nervous stress, lack of vitamin A, excessive use of cosmetics or the use of cosmetics of dubious quality. If pimples appear on the face often, each time there are more of them, then the most appropriate solution to the problem will be a consultation with a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Another reason acne appears on your nose is inadequate, inappropriate facial skin care. In order to prevent an unpleasant rash, it is enough to regularly and thoroughly wash yourself, systematically wipe your face with cleansing lotions, and from time to time use cleansers containing salicylic acid. In addition, face scrubs should be used to help remove dead skin cells. In this case, it is very important to act carefully so as not to injure the skin and not aggravate the inflammatory process on the face.  

Lack of fresh air and poor nutrition also become frequent causes of acne on the nose, forehead, temples, around the mouth, etc. To avoid this, try to be outdoors as often as possible and prefer foods such as lean meat and fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products.

As we said earlier, there are many nerve endings on the nose, so it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out acne on this part of the face. The consequences can be very different: one unsuccessful procedure – and a subcutaneous pimple can provoke pus in the skin tissue or even in the blood. As a result, a general infection will occur, and new inflammations will appear already in other parts of the face.

You do not need to panic at the first pimple – do not think that you have contracted a “terrible” disease. But! The diagnosis and causes of skin rashes can only be determined by a special examination, since often skin defects appear due to a malfunction in the internal organs. Therefore, it is still worthwhile to see a doctor, especially if the available acne control products do not bring the desired effect.

event_note December 15, 2019

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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