Acne and black spots: prevention is easier than cure!

Very few people on the planet boast perfectly clean skin. Regardless of gender, nationality, place of residence and age, acne and black spots are present on the face of the vast majority of people. If such a cosmetic defect is absent on the skin, then this is more a result of the painstaking work of caring for your own body, rather than a “gift of nature”.    

What’s happening? The “scattering” of black dots on the forehead, nose, and chin is nothing more than the remains of sebum mixed with dust and particles of dead epidermis, tightly clogging the pores of the skin. Under the influence of oxygen, sebum oxidizes and acquires a dark color – gray or black. As a result of this, we see “hated” black dots on the face, regretting that the face began to look sloppy and unattractive.

Skin care is our everything!

Squeezing out every such “plug” immediately is not an option. Moreover, cosmetologists and dermatologists strongly do not recommend using this method to fight acne disease – the risk of introducing an infection into the skin tissue, causing inflammation, and the further spread of the problem are too great. It is much more correct to consider the problem from different angles and resort to the most rational and proven methods of dealing with small pimples and blackheads on the face.

Why do acne and small pimples appear on the skin, and quite unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment? Explain the phenomenon is quite simple, and, for sure, the answer to this question is well known to everyone.

Neglecting the basic rules of personal hygiene and unwillingness to perform simple procedures to cleanse the skin sooner or later lead to the fact that acne and black spots necessarily occur on the skin. Correct this omission as soon as possible. Moreover, all that needs to be done is not to forget to wash your face at least twice a day, before going to bed, thoroughly cleanse your skin and use special peels, scrubs or cleansing masks a couple of times a week to help remove dirt and excess sebum from the surface layers of the skin , and with them harmful substances with toxins.    

Prevention – Half Victory

One of the most likely causes of the indicated skin problem, and at any age, is malnutrition. Addiction to fast food products and popular carbonated drinks, love of sweets, coffee and chocolate, frequent consumption of spicy, fatty foods and alcohol, smoking are the invariable “companions” of untidy skin, covered with numerous black dots and enduring acne.

Therefore, in order to change the situation for the better, to get rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect, you need to radically revise your taste preferences. That is, it is necessary to refuse (or at least minimize) the consumption of “harmful” products and to focus on healthy products – vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products, fish, steam dishes.

There are frequent cases when the acne disease “flares up” after a previous illness, due to stress or as a result of a variety of diets. The prevention of acne black spots on the face is as follows – carefully monitor your health, try to avoid stressful situations, do not sit on one of the many “fashionable” diets without first consulting a nutritionist.   

Finally, hormonal changes that occur in the body during adolescence become a common cause of pore blockage. The most appropriate decision in this situation is to go to a dermatologist and a cosmetologist in order to get advice on the proper skin care and a balanced diet.

event_note December 12, 2019

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