Acne during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the woman’s body undergoes significant changes. Changes in appearance can be not only positive, but also negative. One of such unpleasant external problems is acne that occurs “out of nowhere” during pregnancy . And, despite the fact that this is a completely normal phenomenon during pregnancy, due to changes in the hormonal background of the body, most women experience aesthetic inconvenience when defects of this kind appear on the skin. 

Causes of Acne During Pregnancy

The main reason for the appearance of acne during pregnancy, as mentioned above, is the excessive production of the hormone progesterone. This hormone ensures the successful preservation of pregnancy throughout the period. Side effect of progesterone is a significant increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands. Due to the increase in their release of sebum, clogging of the pores occurs, which leads to the appearance of acne. Most often, acne during pregnancy appears in the first trimester, since it is during this period that the level of progesterone increases significantly.  

An important factor in the appearance of acne is dehydration of the body of a pregnant woman. If the hormones produced in large quantities do not receive water in the required volume, their concentration occurs, and the release of sebum greatly increases as a result. In addition, the appearance of acne in pregnant women can provoke stress, nervous strain, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, and the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Since the pregnancy of each woman is individual, then acne appears in everyone differently. In general, acne rashes are characteristic of the first half of pregnancy, but can persist throughout the entire period. In some cases, acne may not appear at all.

How to get rid of acne?

During pregnancy, any self-medication is absolutely contraindicated, since it is not known how the effect of medications on the development of the fetus will affect. The use of drugs containing antibiotics is unacceptable, since they penetrate the placental barrier and adversely affect the fetus. Also, do not use conventional acne cosmetics. Almost all standard acne control products contain aromatic retinoids, salicylic acid, benzene peroxide, steroids. Thanks to these substances, medications just become effective in getting rid of acne, but they can also cause irreparable harm to the unborn baby.

Hatched acne in pregnancy may be treated with preparations containing glycolic acid and alpha-hydroxy acids – for a child these organic components are not dangerous. But the most acceptable method of dealing with such an unpleasant problem is the means of traditional medicine, as well as the establishment of proper nutrition for the expectant mother. At the initial manifestations of acne, face masks made from fresh fruits (strawberries, raspberries, apricots, grapes, lemon), honey, olive oil, kefir, sour cream and other similar remedies can benefit.  

Fatty, sweet, and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet or minimized. Fresh fruits and vegetables, natural juices, dairy products and a variety of cereals will benefit.

To prevent clogging of pores, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the skin with gels and scrubs. When choosing these funds, you need to especially carefully familiarize yourself with their composition. The best option would be if scrubs and peels are prepared on their own, from natural ingredients.

The appearance of acne during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon that disappears after the birth of the baby. However, for any implementation of therapeutic measures in this critical period, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the applied funds on the intrauterine development of the child. So, before any procedure, it is advisable to consult with your gynecologist.

event_note December 18, 2019

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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