Acne on the back and shoulders

Acne on the back and shoulders is a problem not only for adolescents. Do not assume that acne on the back and shoulders is a lesser problem for a person than acne on the face. Fortunately, modern methods of dermatology can significantly alleviate the skin condition of patients. In other words, acne on the back and shoulders is not only possible to treat, but also necessary.

Features of the formation of acne on the back and shoulders:

– Acne on these areas of the body occur, as a rule, in puberty. Youthful acne often goes away by itself as a person grows older. If acne persists, determine what caused them.

– the back, as a person, is subject to the formation of acne, which negatively affects the quality of life of a person, his self-confidence and relationships with others.

– These factors force people with acne on their backs to consult dermatologists to solve their problem. In the worst case, people are self-medicating, which, as you know, can only do harm. 

– Acne on the back and shoulders can be a symptom of a metabolic disorder in the body.

– self-treatment of acne or severely ongoing disease can lead to scarring that will last a lifetime.

The causes of acne on the back and shoulders include not only excessive activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin, hyperkeratosis of the hair follicle, the activity of microbes and their excitation of inflammation on the skin. These factors are, in fact, the final stage of pathogenesis. In other words, to these conditions provoking the occurrence of acne on the back, lead: 

– a genetic predisposition, expressed in increased susceptibility of the receptors of male sex hormones of the sebaceous glands to the level of hormones considered normal;

– Explicit and latent intoxication occurring in the body and low immunity. Subject to a decrease in the protective forces of the immune system, a microscopic tick that can cause a disease such as demodicosis can settle in the thickness of the skin. It is this dermatological pathology that is considered the main aggravating factor in the development of acne on the back and shoulders.

How to treat acne on your back and shoulders

A variety of causes and conditions that affect the appearance of acne on the back and shoulders, requires an individual approach to the disease in each individual case. That is, the treatment regimen is determined depending on the type of pathogen.

Acne treatment centers use special treatment programs. There are also treatments for home

 acne treatment on the back and shoulders. In addition, after active treatment, it is necessary to constantly maintain normal skin condition.

How to deal with acne on your back and shoulders at home

Clinical dermatological treatment of acne to increase the effectiveness of therapy is useful to combine with competent home treatment. At home, acne treatment consists of several stages. Firstly, proper cleansing. For cleansing, it is necessary to use special products that will reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and disinfect the skin. Such a remedy will be prescribed by a dermatologist after an examination. 

Secondly, after cleansing, the skin on the back must be wiped with special cosmetics, which include antibacterial components. Such funds are prescribed by a doctor based on the severity of the disease.

As a rule, if acne on the back and shoulders does not go away with age, they may not be an independent disease, but a symptom of some kind of systemic disorder in the body. For this reason, with a long and hard current acne, it is necessary to undergo a general examination . 

event_note December 30, 2019

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