Why acne appears

The problem of acne formation begins to worry almost
anyone in their teens. And if we take into account the fact that
adolescents are maximalists, and they fan up all the problems to a global scale,
then it is clear that their appearance will not lead to anything good. So why do
acne appear?

The main role in their education is played by sex hormones, bacteria
and heredity. First, you can consider male sex hormones
called androgens. They are responsible for the production of sebum not only
in men, but also in women. When acne appears on the skin in adolescence, the
level of hormones is within normal limits. Increased fat formation is associated with
hypersensitivity of the skin receptors to the hormone. Just the degree of
sensitivity is determined by the genesis and is inherited. In
adulthood, the appearance of acne is likely to be associated with increased
levels of hormones.

The next factor that can explain why
acne occurs is the closure of the excretory channels. Due to the increased
rate of formation of new cells, the channels for the output of sebaceous glands are
clogged, acne is formed. Since the resulting fat has nowhere
to go, it stagnates under the skin, bacteria begin to form,
inflammation forms. Rarely, a breakthrough of the entire mass occurs due to the walls of the
hair follicle into the surrounding tissue, and the inflammatory process continues

Thus, why acne appeared, it became clear.
The following paragraph can consider several factors that worsen their
condition. A delay in the body fluid is very detrimental to the disease . It is this fact that causes the appearance of a large number of acne immediately before menstruation. Mineral oils can also sharpen their condition . For this reason, when a teenager chooses a cream, you should be very responsible about this procedure. Some medications, as well as birth control pills, also adversely affect . Mechanical irritation of the skin and acne will only worsen their appearance. 

Now that it has become known why acne appears and what
should not be done to cause their exacerbation, we can consider factors
that will help alleviate the condition. The first thing I would like to do is
dispel the myth that so sadly sweet tooth. No food products
exacerbate the appearance of acne, including various sweets. So you can
absorb cakes and ice cream in any quantity. Sunbathing favorably
affects the condition of the skin. However, if the skin is very dry
(that is, get a strong tan), the opposite effect will occur, and the
factor will turn from positive to negative. Whether the
artificial light of a tanning bed has a positive effect is unknown.

event_note December 27, 2019

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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