Acne: causes, treatment

Acne or acne is a dermatological disease that is caused by pathological disorders in the sebaceous glands and the structure of hair follicles. Despite the fact that this disease has been known since antiquity, the causes of its occurrence are still not fully understood. To combat acne, dermatologists of cosmetic companies have developed various means.
This pathology usually manifests itself at the time of puberty and passes by the age of 25-30, but the appearance of acne is also possible in adulthood. In most cases, the presence of acne in an adult indicates serious pathologies in the human body.

The causes of acne

Although the causes of acne in dermatology are still not completely understood, there are many factors that provoke the appearance of acne. They are hormonal and non-hormonal.
Non-hormonal causes are:
 Gastrointestinal diseases. These include – gastritis, intestinal dysbiosis, liver pathology.
 Depression and stress. Because of this, the sebaceous glands are disturbed, which causes the appearance of acne.
 Hereditary predisposition. It is determined using special tests.
 Failure to comply with facial hygiene is the cause of rapid skin contamination, followed by the appearance of inflamed areas.
Frequent and excessive sun exposure. It is a misconception that the sun helps in the fight against acne. With it, they simply “disguise themselves”. Ultraviolet only enhances sebum production due to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.
 Activities of various microorganisms and ticks.
 The use of so-called anabolic steroids.
 Taking drugs with barbituric acid, as well as those that contain halogens.
 Negative effects of chlorine-containing substances.
 The use of cosmetics that clog pores – powders, lotions, blush, foundation.

What can not be said about the hormonal causes of acne. Often they occur in adolescence, when the production of hormones goes off scale. And the slightest change in the usual hormonal background necessarily affects the condition of the skin – it becomes inflamed, and the production of sebum due to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands increases. Therefore, these unpleasant acne appear to people.
In representatives of the weaker sex, acne can occur before menstruation, since there is a change in the hormonal background. About a week before menstruation, single pimples are poured on the face. Often, after puberty, an upset hormonal imbalance persists in the body. That is why, in adults, the problem of acne is often relevant.
Dermatologists also attributed malnutrition to harmful factors. In particular, if a person often eats white bread, sweets, strong broths, pork, bacon, various pickles and smoked meats, then he is at risk.
Therefore, with the appearance of acne in dermatology, treatment is prescribed by professionals who will accurately determine the cause of the rash to achieve a positive result.

Symptoms and manifestations

Acne is characterized by the appearance on the code of various rashes – comedones, pustules, papules, cystic nodes.
There are two forms of comedones: open and closed. Closed camedones mean nodules on white skin. When the sebum accumulates in the ducts of the sebaceous glands of the sebum, dead skin residues, and dirt, the closed gum turns into an open gum over time.
Such comedones are called black, because they have a dark, protruding top over the skin. Usually the place of localization of the comedones is the forehead, chin.
Subsequent acne rashes provoke the appearance of pustules and papules. The latter are tubercles of bluish-red or red color. With a large number of such papules, the surface of the skin becomes uneven.
In the presence of pustules, pus bubbles appear on the surface of the skin. In density, this bubble, in contrast to the papule, is softer. In diameter, such formations are not more than 5 mm. If the pustules were large, then scars remain after them.
With a prolonged inflammatory process, cystic formations appear on the skin. It is with a large diameter (more than 5 mm), which are formed in the dermis and subcutaneous fat layer. If these nodules disintegrate, scars and ulcers occur. The site of cyst formation may have a crimson-bluish color. After their healing, scars also remain.

Acne treatment. Dermatology services

The main principles of acne treatment are:
 Prevention of the appearance of new comedones;
 Timely disposal of all comedones, since they provoke the further development of inflammatory phenomena;
 Measures that reduce the production of sebum. This is achieved by taking special substances that lower the level of testosterone in the blood;
 Termination of the inflammatory process and prevention of its subsequent development;
 Reducing the negative effects of skin healing. To do this, you can use the paid services of dermatology – dermabrasion, lazoleerpiya, cryotrapia.

Each case of acne treatment involves the following therapeutic measures:
 Obtaining special procedures in the beauty salon, which are aimed at removing skin inflammation;
 Combination therapy with special drugs of external and systemic action. Without this, it will not be possible to get a positive effect from treatment;
 Prescribing drugs that directly affect all stages of acne formation – from increased production of sebum to active inflammation;
 Therapy of chronic pathologies in the body.
Of the modern methods of treating acne, the following should be distinguished:
 The use of various cosmetic preparations whose action is aimed at cleansing the skin and reducing the secretion of sebum;
 Reducing inflammation with caring cosmetics that help cleanse the skin – sprays, creams, ointments;
 The use of drugs with vitamin A;
 Prescribed antibiotic drugs for severe acne;
 The course of oxygen-ozone therapy;
 Ultrasound peeling;
 Cryotherapy course;
 Treatment with microcurrents;
 Laser acne therapy.

What are the treatments for acne?

Initially, a dermatologist will prescribe drugs for external use. It must be remembered that it is not recommended to prescribe them on their own, because if used improperly, they can have a strong negative effect.
Skinoren is a drug with azelaic acid that helps in the fight against comedones and is prescribed in the earlier stages of the inflammatory process. This drug has no effect on reducing the secretion of sebum.
Benzoyl peroxide is a powerful tool with a whitening and keratolytic effect. It has been used to treat skin diseases for over 20 years. Benzoyl peroxyl can dissolve keratinized skin particles. In severe acne, this drug is not recommended. Whereas mild to moderate acne does well. Benzoyl peroxide can be used together with antibiotics and other specific systemic drugs. Such measures at times increase the effectiveness of acne therapy.

event_note January 2, 2020

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