Acne ointment: which one to choose?

Acne treatment is a long and systemic process. In many ways, the speed of healing and prevention of relapses depends on the internal processes in the body. However, the skin cannot be left unattended. There are many time-tested and new ointments that ease the course of acne and help to quickly cope with its manifestations.

Zinc ointment

This is a well-known pharmaceutical remedy with which you can dry pustules, reduce inflammation, relieve itching and irritation in the area of ​​rashes. The main active ingredient is zinc oxide. It reduces the production of histamine by cells, accelerates healing, and has an antiseptic effect. In addition, the ointment contains wax, paraffin, or lanolin, which soften the skin, prevent the appearance of microcracks, dryness and irritation in the acne area.

The product has no contraindications other than individual sensitivity to zinc oxide, is available in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription and can be used for both acne treatment and prevention.

Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky

The Soviet surgeon A.V. Vishnevsky developed this balm for the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, abscesses and burns.

As part of the product:

  • Birch tar,
  • Xeroform ( bismuth tribromophenolate ),
  • Castor oil.

★ Vishnevsky’s ointment pulls out subcutaneous acne, heals burns and frostbite. It is worth a penny.

The action of the remedy is based on the antimicrobial properties of tar and the fact that when applied to the skin, an air- tight film is created , under which the regeneration processes are supposedly accelerated. In fact, Vishnevsky’s ointment has a warming, local irritating effect. With an increase in temperature, the growth of pathogens can increase, up to the development of severe abscesses and gangrene.

Is Penny Ointment a Strong Acne Remedy?

The balm has many contraindications, for example, it should not be taken with diabetes mellitus, a tendency to form trophic ulcers, reduced immunity and some other health conditions. For the treatment of acne, this remedy is not only useless, but can also worsen the condition of the skin.

Salicylic ointment

Does salicylic ointment help for acne?

This topical salicylic acid-based remedy is healing and antimicrobial. With regular use, it reduces the intensity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which makes it an indispensable remedy for seborrhea and acne, the cause of which is the release of excess sebum . In this case, the ointment is able to dry out healthy areas. If the rashes are single, then it is better to apply pointwise, on each papule and pustule separately.

Ichthyol ointment

Made on the basis of ichthyol ( ichtammol ) – an oily substance that is extracted from rocks containing the remains of fossil fish. The agent has an antimicrobial effect, in particular it is effective against staphylococcus and streptococcal infections. It causes a local warming and irritating effect, relieves pain, accelerates the ripening of boils.

The effect of the ointment is similar to the Vishnevsky liniment, therefore, it should be used with caution in persons prone to furunculosis, the formation of deep ulcers, patients with diabetes mellitus and immune disorders. It is prohibited for use in children under 12 years of age. 

Retinoic Acne Ointment

The main active ingredient of the agent is a biologically active form of vitamin A. When applied externally, it has a keratolytic , regenerating, anti-inflammatory, emollient and anti-seborrheic effect. It is suitable for both the treatment of acne and its prevention, especially if the patient has comedones . The fact is that the ointment softens sebum , strengthens the pore walls and promotes the natural outflow of sebaceous secretions, which prevents its accumulation in the epidermis.

Super remedy from the pharmacy for a penny for skin – part 5 SEE ALL!

Do not use retinol for renal and hepatic insufficiency. With caution and only pointwise, it can be used at the stage of pregnancy planning, as well as in all three trimesters and during lactation.

Sulfuric ointment

The agent is a precipitated sulfur diluted in medical petroleum jelly at a concentration of about 1/3. Used to treat scabies. For acne, other etiology is not indicated.


To combat scabies mite in children under 12 years of age, the ointment is made individually at a concentration of 1/10. Up to two years, treatment with sulfuric ointment is contraindicated.

Tetracycline Acne Ointment

Contains an antibiotic – tetracycline. It has a broad spectrum bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect and is very effective against most pathogens of skin infections. The ointment is practically not absorbed, therefore it cannot be used with closed or deep puncture wounds.

Does tetracycline ointment work for acne?

Before using tetracycline to treat acne, you should make sure that the cause is a bacterial or fungal infection. Otherwise, the desired therapeutic effect will not be achieved, and pathogens from the surface will acquire resistance to antibiotics, which will significantly complicate the fight against them in the event of an infection, for example, of the eyes or ears.

It is not recommended to use the ointment for children under 11 years of age. Also, be careful about the likelihood of an individual reaction to the active substance.

Liniment synthomycin

Contains chloramphenicol, a broad spectrum antibiotic. A strong enough remedy that should not be used unless absolutely necessary. For the treatment of acne, it is prescribed extremely rarely and in especially severe forms of the course, affecting the deep layers of the dermis.

Synthomycin ointment ☛ indications (video instruction) description ✍ reviews – Chloramphenicol

The remedy has a large list of contraindications, including: childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance, conditions after radiation sickness and radiation therapy, blood diseases, oncology and many others.

Erythromycin ointment for acne

It is made on the basis of erythromycin – a bacteriostatic substance, which in high concentration can also work as a bactericidal. It is used to treat skin diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to erythromycin.

Heparin ointment

The main active ingredients of the agent are anesthesin and benzyl nicotinate . The main therapeutic effect of the ointment is to reduce pain and prevent the formation of blood clots and hematomas. It can be used for acne if the inflammation is accompanied by severe pain. It is most effective to use heparin ointment in the treatment of post-acne and restoration of the skin after the active infectious process has already been eliminated.

You can not use this external agent in the presence of necrotic processes in tissues, large purulent infiltrates and an acute course of a bacterial infection.


It is a combined antimicrobial agent that targets a wide range of pathogens. When applied, the ointment is poorly absorbed, more often it is used under a bandage, applying abundantly to areas of suppuration and inflammation.

It is best suited for the treatment of large foci of acne or with complicated forms of its course.

Important! Before using any agent containing an antibiotic, it is necessary to inoculate for the sensitivity of pathogens to the active substance. Self-medication with antibiotics is unacceptable due to the threat of the appearance of strains that are sensitive to most drugs. Antibiotic ointments are dispensed only on prescription. 

Which ointment is best for teens?

In puberty, the main reason for the appearance of acne lies in the hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands. Accordingly, the best external remedy will be one that will help reduce seborrhea of ​​the skin, dry pustules, relieve itching and swelling. Retinoic , salicylic, or zinc ointments are best suited for this .


For scars and scars from healed acne, heparin ointment is suitable . It will also help get rid of microhematomas and tissue fibrosis if the acne is severe.

In the case when juvenile acne appears too much, there are many of them, and the skin condition worsens regardless of the change in diet and hygiene products, you should seek the help of a dermatologist. He will analyze the condition of the skin, determine the sensitivity of the infection to antibiotics with the help of bacterial culture and prescribe the appropriate remedy.


Not all ointments that are traditionally considered to be a remedy for acne really are. Some have not been proven to be effective, while others have long been proven to have negative effects on acne. Acne treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. Only a specialist will be able to determine how necessary and sufficient the use of this or that ointment is.

event_note December 12, 2020

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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