Which ointments for dermatitis are the best: hormonal or non-hormonal, and is there an alternative

Considering which ointments are used for dermatitis, it is worth saying right away that they are divided into two large groups: hormonal and non-hormonal. They differ not only in composition, but also in the degree of efficiency and safety.

An ointment is considered the best for dermatitis on the skin of a particular patient if it meets a number of requirements:

  • effectively relieves burning and itching;
  • stops acute and chronic inflammatory processes;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • reduces the severity of pain;
  • prevents the penetration of viruses, fungi and bacteria into the foci of inflammation (this is evidenced by the absence of secondary infections that have joined).

What non-hormonal ointments can treat dermatitis

Non-hormonal ointments are considered safer because they have a relatively natural composition. This allows you to use the external agent for a long time without any harm to health.

It is non-hormonal ointments that are considered the best for atopic dermatitis in a child. In adults, in most cases, at the beginning of treatment, doctors also try to prescribe just such ointments. According to the principle of action, they are divided into several groups:

  • Antiseptic. The action is aimed at disinfecting the skin and preventing the penetration of bacteria through the resulting sores.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Aimed at relieving itching and irritation, eliminating inflammatory processes.
  • Moisturizing. Indirectly contribute to recovery by restoring the water balance of the skin.
  • Regenerating. Their main action is to stimulate healing processes by activating the natural regeneration of the skin.

Since remedies with one main substance can only relieve one symptom, doctors often prescribe combination ointments. Due to several active components, they can have not one, but several effects. Examples of non-hormonal drugs that claim to be the best ointment for dermatitis:

  • Bepanthen ,
  • Panthenol ,
  • Zinc ointment,
  • Radevit ,
  • We see ,
  • Levosin ,
  • Fenistil,
  • Topikrem .

Of the advantages of non-hormonal ointments, the minimum of side effects is of particular importance. Most of them are approved for use in children, pregnant and lactating women.

The main disadvantage of non-hormonal ointments is often the lack of effectiveness. Because of this, treatment can be delayed for several weeks, a month or even longer. In this case, the course cannot be interrupted, otherwise the previous therapy may be ineffective. As a result, the doctor still has to prescribe stronger hormonal agents.

When choosing which ointment is better for dermatitis, other disadvantages of non-hormonal ointments cannot be ignored:

  • can cause allergies in people prone to allergic manifestations;
  • do not show their effect in all types of dermatitis, more often in contact and allergic.

That is, with prolonged treatment, the ointment causes allergies, but it may not give the desired effect.

Hormonal ointments

When there is no positive dynamics from the use of non-hormonal ointments, specialists resort to hormonal drugs. In their composition, the main component is glucocorticosteroids – hormones that are produced in the human body by the adrenal glands. The mechanism of action of such drugs is based on the effect on the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Hormonal ointments restore the level of cortisone, with a lack of which the body becomes unable to cope with inflammatory processes.

Depending on the degree of exposure to the skin, hormonal ointments are divided into several categories:

  • weak,
  • medium,
  • strong,
  • very strong.

The latter are used only for the most severe forms of dermatitis, so they are never prescribed first. Examples of hormonal ointments:

  • hydrocortisone,
  • Celestoderm ,
  • Akriderm ,
  • Advantan ,
  • Elokom ,
  • Dermovate ,
  • Fucicort .

The main disadvantages of hormonal ointments in the treatment of dermatitis:

  • Addictive. The main disadvantage, which is that over time, the ointment ceases to be effective for the treatment of a particular patient. The same active components of hormonal ointments are addictive.
  • Side effects. Due to the hormonal nature, such ointments have many unpleasant side effects. They appear when used incorrectly or for too long. In severe cases, skin atrophy and even adrenal insufficiency can develop.
  • Withdrawal syndrome. As in the case of non-hormonal, when using hormonal ointments, you can not interrupt the course and skip the application. The withdrawal syndrome is especially pronounced with a sharp rejection of a hormonal agent. This is manifested in the fact that the symptoms of dermatitis can suddenly return. For this reason, hormonal drugs are canceled gradually, reducing the dose and number of applications.

Hormonal remedies can claim to be the best ointments for dermatitis, but only in terms of effectiveness. Yes, they help to cope with the symptoms of the disease faster than non-hormonal ones. But at the same time, they can have a short-term effect, require very strict adherence to the treatment regimen, have side effects and a large list of contraindications, which includes:

  • venereal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpes;
  • bacterial or fungal skin lesions.

What kind of ointment to use

As can be seen from the review of ointments for dermatitis, both hormonal and non-hormonal agents cannot be called ideal for the treatment of such a disease. The PsorMak clinic offers both an effective and safe ointment as an alternative. It was created according to its own recipe and has been showing its effectiveness for more than 25 years.

The composition of the ointment does not contain hormones. Instead, only natural natural ingredients that make the ointment safe for children, pregnant and lactating. The ointment does not cause side effects, does not lead to allergies and exacerbation of symptoms.

In addition, we have a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the disease, resorting to comprehensive work with the patient through psychotherapy, acupuncture and hirudotherapy. We also develop an individual diet for patients.

event_note January 18, 2022

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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