Psoriasis during pregnancy

Psoriasis is not an obstacle to pregnancy and does not interfere with the reproductive function in women, if a woman is planning a pregnancy, she should consult a dermatologist about this in advance.

Treatment of psoriasis during pregnancy

The choice of drugs for the treatment of psoriasis during pregnancy is small, since many of them are toxic to the fetus. Pregnant women need to especially carefully monitor the skin and prevent it from drying out. In some cases, pregnancy has a positive effect on the course of psoriasis, in some women during pregnancy there was a significant improvement.

In severe psoriasis, treatment in pregnant women is very difficult. During pregnancy, women stop treatment with most drugs, as they can lead to impaired intrauterine development of the baby. Women who suffer from psoriatic arthritis during pregnancy may experience increased joint pain due to weight gain.
A small number of women develop one of the severe, clinical and rare variants of the disease – generalized pustular psoriasis , which develops during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. Hormonal fluctuations and impaired vitamin D metabolism lead to such an exacerbation, the lesion often begins with skin folds. All over the abdomen and in the groin area, red plaques begin to appear, accompanied by itching, pustules appear around the plaques, and the general state of health worsens. Also, patients may experience nausea, fever, and mental disorders, so antibiotics are often prescribed during exacerbations. This form of psoriasis is very dangerous and often has severe consequences for the fetus, involuntary abortion is possible. But as a rule, pustular psoriasis that occurs during pregnancy disappears after childbirth.

The exact reasons for the improvement in the condition of patients with psoriasis during pregnancy are unknown. Perhaps the main reason is the increase in the level of cortisol in pregnant women, secreted by the adrenal glands of the mother and fetus.

After childbirth, the course of the disease may become more severe, psoriasis worsens. In the first three months after giving birth, most women with psoriasis will develop rashes on their skin again, sometimes even in areas that were previously improved.

event_note May 13, 2022

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