Parasites in the human body

Who are the parasites

Parasites (from the Greek parasitos – parasite, parasite) – lower plant and animal organisms that live outside or inside another organism (host) and feed on it. 

Parasites arose in the course of the historical development of organisms from free-living forms. 

Their adaptation to certain living conditions led to the simplification of their organization, the development of special fixation organs, the enhanced development of the genitals, anoxybiotic respiration, which makes it possible to exist in an oxygen-free environment.

By the parasites are many:  

  • helminths
  • fungi
  • viruses
  • protozoa
  • worms
  • crustaceans
  • arachnids
  • insects

The hosts of parasites can be:  

  • bacteria
  • protozoa
  • plants
  • animals
  • human

Parasites go through a complex development cycle: sometimes they need a change of 2-3 hosts, the organism of which is intermediate (the helminth goes through the larval stages) or final (the helminth becomes sexually mature, invasive). 

Parasite classification


  • Ubiquitous – are found everywhere. 
  • Tropical – common in tropical climatic zones. 


  • Geohelminthiasis is a disease in which parasites (helminths) first develop in the human body, and then on a non-living substrate, more often in the ground. 
  • Biohelminthiasis is a disease in which the biological cycle of development of a parasite (helminth) necessarily takes place in the body of other living beings, except for humans. Distinguish between final hosts, in whose organism the development of helminths to the sexually mature stage occurs, as well as intermediate ones, where the parasite is in the larval stage or does not reproduce sexually. A person is more often the final owner, less often an intermediate one. 
  • Contact helminthiasis – a disease in which parasites excreted human mature or nearly mature, resulting in possible contamination or other person reinfection its same ( avtoinvaziya , re-infestation ). 


  • Luminal parasites – living in the intestinal cavity and other cavities of the human body ( for example, roundworms, tapeworms).  
  • Tissue parasites – living in the tissues of the human body ( schistosomiasis , echinococcosis). 


  • External parasites (mosquitoes, horseflies, leeches, lice). 
  • Internal parasites (helminthiases): 
    • round worms (nematodes – roundworm, filaria, whipworm, pinworms, strongyloids , hookworms, trichinella);      
  • flatworms :
    • trematodes (flukes – cat fluke ( opisthorchis ), clonorchus , fasciola , schistosome);   
    • cestodes (tapeworms – bovine and pork tapeworms, dwarf tapeworm, broad tapeworm, echinococcus). 
  • Bacteriosis (leptospira, staphylococcus, streptococcus, shigella ). 
  • Protozoan or protozoa (amoeba, giardia, Trichomonas, which are often the hosts of chlamydia and the AIDS virus).  
  • Mycoses (fungal diseases) – candida , cryptococcus , penicillium .  

How parasites enter the human body

You can get infected with parasitosis not only through dirty hands. Animal wool is a carrier of worm eggs (roundworm and toxocar ), lamblia.     

Pinworm eggs that have fallen from wool remain viable for up to 6 months and enter the food tract through dust, toys, carpets, underwear and bedding, and hands. 

A dog through wet breath scatters eggs at a distance of up to 5 meters (a cat – up to 3 meters). 

Dog fleas also carry worm eggs. Ascaris eggs enter the human body through poorly washed vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, dirty hands, and are also carried by flies.   

And improperly cooked kebab or homemade bacon is a way of infection with trichinosis; poorly salted fish caviar or ” stroganina ” – opisthorchiasis and broad tapeworm           


  • alimentary (through contaminated food, water, dirty hands); 
  • contact and household (through household items, from infected family members, pets); 
  • transmissible (through blood-sucking insects); 
  • percutaneous , or active (in which the larva penetrates through the skin or mucous membranes into the human body during contact with contaminated soil, when swimming in open water bodies).

The adaptive properties of parasites:

  • long life expectancy (helminths live in the human body for years, and sometimes as long as the host of the parasite lives);
  • the ability to suppress or modify the immune response of the host organism (a state of immunodeficiency arises, conditions are created for the penetration of pathogenic agents from the outside, as well as for “disinhibition” of internal foci of infection);
  • many types of helminths, getting into the digestive tract, release antienzymes , which saves them from death; the digestion process is disrupted, toxic-allergic reactions of various severity appear: urticaria bronchial asthma atopic dermatitis   
  • stages of development (egg, larva, change of owners);
  • the ability of eggs to survive for years in the external environment;
  • sexual reproduction, in which there is an exchange of genetic information, and this is already the highest stage of development, leading to an increase in the heterogeneous population, that is, parasites become less vulnerable;
  • lack of methods of immunoprophylaxis, since the immune response is weak and unstable;
  • widespread helminths, many habitats (water, soil, air, plants and animals).

Epidemiology of parasitosis

In connection with the growing processes of population migration in Russia, the variety of helminths parasitizing in the human body is significantly increasing. Now in Russia 70 species of parasites are widespread out of more than 260 existing ones. There is a tendency to an increase in infection with enterobiasis, giardiasis, toxocariasis, opisthorchiasis, diphyllobothriasis, tenidosis , echinococcosis. The danger of the introduction of helminthic invasions, which is not typical for Russia, is increasing. These include schistosomiasis and phillariasis, which are common in the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America .    

“Healthy” people …
Many people who lead a healthy lifestyle have health problems due to the presence of parasites in the body. Improving the body (proper nutrition, exercise, hardening procedures) without ridding the body of parasites does not give a pronounced positive effect.

They are everywhere …
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), helminths, and other types of parasites, are localized not only in the gastrointestinal tract, but also in vital organs: the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys.


Helminths in the process of their vital activity secrete special substances – toxoids , which are strong poisons and allergens. It is parasitoses (protozoa, fungi and helminths) that are the trigger for many chronic diseases:

  • cholecystitis,
  • cholelithiasis ,
  • pancreatitis,
  • colitis,
  • diabetes,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • atopic dermatitis.
Chronic fatigue, irritability and anxiety, hyperactivity in children, anemia, brittle nails and hair, problem skin, headaches, appetite disorders, decreased immunity – these can be signals of current parasitosis .

If not treated …
When parasites stay in the human body for a long time, the immune system suffers greatly. In the process of constant struggle with foreign antibodies, she comes to exhaustion, that is, to the development of secondary immunodeficiency.


  • to hypovitaminosis and depletion of reserves of trace elements: potassium, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc, magnesium, silicon;
  • to a violation of hematopoiesis;
  • hormonal disruption;
  • vascular permeability is disturbed;
  • the anticancer defense of the body suffers.

How did you save yourself before?
For thousands of years, people, consuming mainly plant foods, received along with it antimicrobial, antiparasitic and antiviral natural active substances. A decrease in the consumption of wild plants, fruits, berries, their replacement with cultivated vegetables and fruits, thermal and industrial processing have led to a decrease in the consumption of natural phytoncides and antibiotics. As a result, humans have become easy prey for many microorganisms. The intensive development of the drug industry producing antibiotics has led to a decrease in antiparasitic immunity.


Medicinal synthetic anthelmintic drugs have their pros and cons. There are three main negative factors:

  • often they only affect the gastrointestinal forms of parasites,
  • very toxic to the human body,
  • cause many adverse reactions.

Science does not stand still!
All over the world, intensive research is being carried out on the antibiotic properties of plants. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to synthetic antibiotics, but they do not cause those side effects that are characteristic of synthesized drugs. The healing components of plants are complex natural phytoncidal complexes capable of ridding the human body of many parasites at various stages of their development.

Nature! Here’s what will help us!
Herbal preparations are much less toxic, if necessary, they can be prescribed for long courses, they activate antiparasitic immunity and effectively suppress the vital activity and reproduction of parasites in the human body.

event_note April 28, 2021

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