Oily skin

Oily skin has always given its owners a lot of trouble and experience. This is not surprising: constant oily shine, enlarged pores, acne and blackheads can make life unbearable for anyone. However, humanity has not been led by nature for a long time.

For several thousand years people have been successfully fighting their deficiency. The long history of this confrontation has accumulated a huge amount of tools and tricks that help owners of oily skin look beautiful and elegant. But in order to achieve a good result, you need to wage an irreconcilable struggle with your natural defect. And the sooner the crusade begins against him, the faster the effect will come.

First you need to find out: Do you really have oily skin? For this, a world-old test is suitable. You only need to stock up on small strips of tissue paper. It is necessary to wait 1-2 hours after washing and apply them to the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. If there is a greasy, translucent stain on every piece of paper, then there is no doubt: you have oily skin. After confirming their fears, there is no choice but to resort to proactive actions.

First you need to find positive sides in your lack. Yes, yes, this is not a typo: in everything bad you need to look for something good. The ancient Chinese spoke about this. Oily skin does have its benefits. First, it ages slowly. That is why they say about her: “today is a curse, and tomorrow is a blessing.” The fact is that a protective lipid film prevents any influence of the external environment and protects against moisture loss. Therefore, oily skin remains smooth and elastic as long as possible. As a rule, wrinkles on it begin to appear only after 45 years. The second plus of oily skin is its temporary nature. In most cases, “fat floods” begin in adolescence and end by 25-27 years. And only 10% of people have seborrhea (from the Latin word ” sebum ” – lard) remains for life.

All problems begin from the moment of puberty, when the body goes through a “hormonal war”. The fact is that the skin is the “point of application” for testosterone, which is considered the main male sex hormone. It is he who actively stimulates the sebaceous glands, forcing them to produce a huge amount of sebum. The question seems logical: since the hormone is male, why does seborrhea appear in women? The fact is that small amounts of testosterone are also present in the female body. Its increased concentration causes an increase in the production of sebum. That is why seborrhea is very often combined with virilism (excessive hair growth) and various gynecological problems. However, the appearance of oily skin does not always indicate increased testosterone synthesis. For example, it may be that the sebaceous glands have an increased number of receptors for this hormone. This defect is most often inherited. I must say that this is only a small part of the reasons that cause the appearance of seborrhea. In each individual case, it is necessary to disassemble individually in order to identify the pathological link and act directly on it.

Boys and girls, as a rule, are very sensitive to questions of appearance, often suffer from manifestations of seborrhea. This is facilitated by the “open” location of the main manifestations of the disease: this is the so-called T-shaped zone (forehead, nose and chin) and décolleté (central parts of the back and chest). It is here that the largest number of sebaceous glands is located and it is here that all skin changes are most pronounced. Excessive sebum secretion leads to the fact that the ducts of the glands expand, and in addition to fat, dead cells, particles of dirt and dust accumulate in them. From this, black dots appear. The accession of bacterial inflammation is the cause of suppuration of such a conglomerate, which is based on a sebaceous plug. So on oily skin there are enlarged pores, blackheads, and purulent rashes at the same time. In addition, some components of sebum stimulate the growth of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, which in turn leads to thickening and roughness of the skin. As a result, the picture is very unpleasant. Such a defect in appearance very often leads to teenage depression. And no matter how much you tell a teenager that all the troubles will end by the age of 25, it will not become easier for him. Young people need immediate results. But, unfortunately, it is simply impossible to achieve an instant and lasting effect. It usually takes several months to bring oily skin to a divine appearance.
The whole secret lies in the regularity of care, without which no decent result is inconceivable. So, deciding to change your appearance for the better, you need to be patient.

You need to start with a diet. You should limit the use of fried, spicy, spicy, fatty and sweet. Chocolate and other sweets should be excluded from the diet. All this is reflected in the work of the sebaceous glands and enhances the synthesis of sebum, aggravating the course of seborrhea. It is necessary to supplement your diet with the intake of complex vitamins, the lack of which has a detrimental effect on the condition of not only the internal organs, but also the skin.

The key to success is hidden in the daily, thorough cleansing of the epidermis. This should be done in the morning and in the evening, and if there is such an opportunity, then during the day. Now there are many foams, gels and mousses for oily skin that have a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and sebum – regulating effect. Their liquid consistency is ideal for thorough cleansing. But it is important not only what you wash, but also how you wash it off. In no case should you use hot water – it only stimulates the secretion of fat. You need to wash with warm water, and rinse with cool water, which narrows the pores and temporarily reduces the synthesis of sebum.

The hotel advice requires facial exfoliation, which is usually carried out using scrubs. These funds are indispensable in the fight against the dead layer of keratinized cells. In addition, they have a sebum – regulating effect: fine abrasive particles contribute to the mechanical removal of fat from the sebaceous follicles. After peeling, the skin becomes smooth, clean and pleasant to the touch. Cleansing masks for oily skin most often contain abrasives in the form of crushed apricot kernels or pine nuts, while scrubs for sensitive skin contain more delicate substances, such as polyethylene granules, as “ polishers ”. Peeling has only one contraindication: scrubs cannot be used to clean inflamed skin with pustular eruptions. This will only aggravate the course of the inflammatory process and increase the risk of infection in nearby skin areas.

Many women abuse the magical properties of scrubs, making cleansing masks almost every day. This is a very dangerous mistake. The fact is that frequent peelings greatly overshoot the skin,
causing a deficiency of sebum. And this, in turn, is a trigger for the restoration of the lost lipid layer. That is, the skin begins to produce grease in even larger quantities than before the peeling. This leads to a deterioration in the course of seborrhea. So getting rid of oily skin with frequent cleansing masks is simply impossible. You can use scrubs one or two, maximum three times a week. In this case, the scrub should be applied to damp skin and rubbed with gentle circular movements over the face. In no case should you scrub your face like the deck of a ship. All movements must be very careful. The procedure should be carried out for at least one, and no more than three minutes. It must be borne in mind that when using scrubs, a large number of microtraumas appear on the skin, which can become infected when going outside. Therefore, experts advise peeling in the evening before bedtime.

In addition to scrubs, there are other cleansing masks. These are films that are applied to the face, harden and peel off as a single conglomerate resembling a second skin. It is also a very effective technique for removing dead stratum corneum along with hard particles of dust, dirt and excess sebum. As a rule, such film masks contain astringents and herbal extracts. All this together has a very good effect on the condition of the skin and regulates sebum secretion . However, such masks should also not be carried away: it is recommended to carry them out no more than twice a week.

Mud or clay masks can be done once a week. A contraindication to them is also inflammatory processes on the skin. If oily skin suffers only from greasy shine, enlarged pores and blackheads, then a mud mask will be very useful. It is believed that the more brown clay or dirt has, the more pronounced the adsorptive effect. Pink or white clays are more suitable for sensitive skin. However, we must not forget that the improvement after the mask is only temporary. They do not give a lasting effect.

After thoroughly washing the face, dry it with dabbing movements. Once a day, preferably in the morning, you need to wipe your face with a tonic for oily skin. The action of these funds is quite multifaceted: they have a disinfecting,
fat-regulating and “tightening” effect. Recently, the so-called “talker lotions” have appeared, which include finely ground powder that absorbs excess sebum. They have an excellent cosmetic effect, remarkably mattifying the skin and giving it a healthy look. Before using such “talkers” the bottle must be shaken well. In addition, among the new products, attention is drawn to lotions containing zinc oxide, which removes excess fat from the skin surface and tightens pores. These lotions are also very beneficial for oily skin.

After that, a cream is applied to the cleansed and “toned” skin. It also has its own peculiarities. Experts advise people with oily skin not to use oily creams. Hydrogels or emulsions that do not contain fat are the best moisturizers. As a rule, these products have a very liquid consistency, are instantly absorbed and do not leave an oily sheen on the skin.

After such a thorough preparation, you can do decorative cosmetics. The composition of modern tonal creams for oily skin includes special adsorbents that partially or completely absorb the sebaceous secretions that appear during the day. Such substances include titanium dioxide and corn starch. Buying a foundation containing these compounds, you can be sure of a good and lasting result. Places of redness should be tinted with concealers – hard camouflage pencils with a greenish tint. They must include disinfectants with anti-inflammatory effects. After all the masking procedures, the face needs to be well powdered. It is powder that is still considered the main means of combating oily sheen. In difficult cases, experts advise to resort to medical powders with medicinal ingredients, in particular, with antibacterial additives.

All cosmetologists agree that oily skin is the most problematic and the most “ungrateful” one. This type requires the most patience, attention and material costs. However, there is no need to despair. After all, the range of modern perfumery and cosmetic products is so wide that everyone can choose products to suit their taste and wallet.

event_note September 4, 2020

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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