Not small troubles at all

Oily skin, blackheads, pimples … as a sin, they become especially harmful with the arrival of heat, when you so want to flaunt open clothes, a slender body, smooth velvety skin. How much grief these “little troubles” bring not only teenage girls, but also quite adult ladies! And so many shed tears, failed dates, dashed hopes. Do not be discouraged in vain, it is better to read these tips carefully and apply them to your benefit.

First, let’s figure out the concepts:

Whiteheads ( milia ) are small nodules on the skin of the cheeks, eyelids, forehead, and behind the ears. Many do not notice them at all, and are popularly called “wen”. These are really small cysts with fat content. The reasons for their occurrence are not fully understood, but it has been noticed that in many cases they appear from the consumption of fatty foods. When there are many of them, the face seems to be sprinkled with semolina. The consequence is treated by eliminating the cause: everything fatty is excluded from the diet – pork, fatty dairy products, butter, chocolate. But even after that, whiteheads do not go away by themselves, therefore cosmetologists remove miliums during facial cleansing.

Oily seborrhea is not only a problem of hair. The oily skin also rises sharply. In the area of ​​the nose, cheeks, forehead, chin, the skin shines, seems thick, rough, enlarged pores resemble an orange peel, often clogged, inflamed and reddened. Few of the teenagers escaped this problem, but many did not leave it at the end of “puberty”. You can try to remove redness with anti-inflammatory and antihistamines. If symptoms persist, it is best to see a dermatologist who will prescribe treatment. And often the “landing” on the face is the result of neglected nutrition, especially among impressionable young ladies, who are deprived of appetite by cosmetic problems. So also find out if you have digestive disorders before treating your skin.

But in any case, it does not hurt to do a 30-minute mask regulating sebum production 1-2 times a week : 1/4 of a pack of fresh yeast, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice or three percent hydrogen peroxide. Stir, apply, soak, rinse.

It is very useful to drink infusions of nettle. The crushed plant is infused in cold water for 6-8 hours, then filtered. Moreover, every day you need to drink at least a liter of infusion: a cup in the morning before breakfast, and the rest in sips during the day.

Decoctions, infusions and lotions made from herbs are useful for rubbing oily skin. The purifier helps to heal the inflamed sebaceous glands. This plant is found in summer in the fields, especially in the mows, blooms with white flowers and belongs to melliferous plants. A lotion from a purifier is prepared as follows: a fresh or dried plant is crushed, poured into a bottle and poured with 40-degree alcohol (preferably vodka). Insist for 21 days, then filter, pour into bottles and store in a dark place. This lotion is used to wipe the face after washing in the morning and evening.

Recall, however, that increased use of various drugs on alcohol basis can lead to excessive overdrying the skin: it starts to blush,
peel. Such skin does not tolerate washing well and is mistaken for dry skin. It is better in this case to temporarily suspend the use of all kinds of miraculous remedies, and to use a decoction of sage or chamomile instead of soap for washing.

In addition to using various wipes and compresses, regular cleaning is necessary for skin problems. Light cleaning can be done daily: put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on a small sponge, apply a small amount of cream (preferably with vitamin F) and gently, along the massage lines, lather your face for one minute. The movements of the sponge should go from the middle of the chin to the lobe, from the corner of the mouth and from the middle of the forehead to the temples. After such soaping, the foam is washed off with boiled water and a nourishing cream is applied.

Deeper cleaning can be done once a week. First, the skin is steamed, sitting over a hot decoction of chamomile for 15 minutes, covered with a towel. Then the index fingers of both hands are wrapped with sterile gauze and begin to clean the comedones . The pustules that burst under the influence of steam are immediately disinfected with 3% hydrogen peroxide and burned with alcohol. After cleaning with peroxide or alcohol solution, disinfect the entire face.

The healing of wounds is perfectly promoted by rubbing with a decoction of plantain in the form of frozen ice.
And for the resorption of residual cyanotic spots on the skin, paraffin masks are made. For this, pure paraffin heated in a water bath is applied with a brush layer by layer onto the face until a hardened mask is formed. The face is wrapped in a warm cloth, scarf, etc., leaving a hole for breathing, and kept for 30 minutes. Then the cooled paraffin is easily removed and suitable for reuse. But if dilated vessels are visible on your skin, you cannot do a paraffin mask!

Comedones (in common people – blackheads) are black spots on the skin of the nose, cheeks, forehead, chin and even inside the auricles. On closer inspection, these are plugs in the mouth of the hair follicle, formed from a mixture of sebum, horny scales of dead skin and all kinds of dust. In principle, the process of sebum secretion should take place without any blockages, but in real life (due to the fault of the same harmful hormones), the secreted sebum thickens … and here is the result. Cosmetologists, for obvious reasons, do not recommend removing comedones on their own. However, after cleaning your face a couple of times in a beauty salon, you can do it yourself. The main covenant is absolute cleanliness of hands, plenty of pre-cut sterile bandage, good lighting and a leisurely mood.

Youthful or vulgar acne (actually, acne) annoy not only young people, overshadowing the romance of first love. Women suffer from acne for up to 30-40 years in the days preceding menstruation. And those who take iodine, bromine, valerian, motherwort, hormones or vitamin D – at any age and all year round. In addition, acne is exacerbated by frequent gastrointestinal disturbances, as well as the consumption of foods containing a lot of fats,
carbohydrates, spices (fatty sausages, ham, sweets). A hereditary predisposition to acne can also affect.

So, again, it would be nice to first find out the reason for the prevailing misfortune. But just in case, try to exclude “provocative” foods from the diet, slightly increase physical activity (for which it is not at all necessary to sign up for an expensive fitness club – you can, on the contrary, save on transport to work). Also, in any case, a daily (at least for one month) cup of herbal tea made from chamomile, oregano or rose hips will not do any harm.

An excellent remedy for healing inflamed acne is horseradish in vinegar. Horseradish is thoroughly washed, chopped on a grater and 3/4 filled in a bottle with it. Add wine vinegar and leave for 10 days. Then it is filtered and again poured into the bottle. Places of accumulation of eels are moistened first with water, then with tincture. After ten minutes, the skin is rinsed first with warm, then cold water.

Compresses made from a decoction of mixtures of plants, bark and buds of birch, chamomile and calendula flowers, juniper berries, taken in equal parts, are very useful : pour one tablespoon of the mixture with one glass of water, boil over low heat for five minutes. In a warm solution, a linen cloth or gauze folded in several layers is moistened and the cloth is put on the face. As it cools, it is again moistened in the broth. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

event_note September 7, 2020

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