Neurodermatitis: causes and prevention of the disease

Every year, experts record about 7 million new cases of skin diseases. Unpleasant sensations and an unaesthetic appearance of the skin make people hide their illness from others and limit themselves in leisure. One of the most common dermatological diseases is neurodermatitis.

What is neurodermatitis?

Neurodermatitis is a chronic disease of neuroallergic genesis. This is a recurrent disease, which is characterized by periods of exacerbation, remission and seasonality. At the moments of the acute course of the disease, reddening of the skin, peeling and severe itching are noted, forcing a person to comb the skin to the blood. The next stage is the appearance of blisters, which at first do not differ in color from the skin. The papules then take on a pinkish-brown hue. The nodules begin to grow, forming a single focus without clear boundaries. The skin gradually turns blue and then turns red. During remission, the skin becomes discolored. If the disease is severe, this period does not occur.

It’s important to know! Severe itching causes a person to scratch the skin. A purulent or fungal infection easily droops into the wounds, which can cause secondary infection and aggravate the course of neurodermatitis.

Most often, the neurodermatitis disease manifests itself on the knee and elbow bends, on the neck, chest, forearms, in the groin, in the gluteal folds, but in some cases, papules with a characteristic sheen are found on the face.

In the acute period of the disease, the skin reaction is combined with allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma or hay fever.

For others, dermatitis is not dangerous, but in a sick person, the disease can provoke a nervous breakdown.

At-risk groups

There is neurodermatitis in children and adults. Usually, the first signs of dermatitis occur in babies aged 6 months to 7 years. The disease proceeds like a food allergy. With the onset of puberty, neurodermatitis resolves on its own in 60-80% of children, but the skin is still very sensitive.

Neurodermatitis is inherited and has a family character. If your close relatives suffer from allergies, then you are at a high risk of developing the disease.

At risk are people with pathologies of the nervous system and hormonal disorders. In this case, in order to provoke the disease, it is enough for a person to experience serious stress.

According to statistics, due to poor ecology, urban residents are more susceptible to this dermatological disease than those who permanently live in rural areas.

Causes of the disease and prevention of neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis is an ailment, the appearance of which is influenced by many factors.

What causes neurodermatitis:

  • complicated family history;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stress;
  • neurological problems and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vaccination carried out without taking into account the immunological status of the patient;
  • prolonged mental and physical stress;
  • transferred severe infections;
  • improper daily routine, unbalanced diet;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • bad ecology;
  • constant contact with allergens (animal dander, mold, dust, plant pollen, food, medicines, cosmetics, household chemicals).

Prevention of neurodermatitis practically does not differ from the measures taken to prevent the occurrence of other ailments. It involves proper nutrition, adherence to the daily regimen, limiting excessive physical and mental stress, strengthening immunity.

People who are prone to skin allergic reactions are advised to wear clothing made from natural materials.

During the remission period, do not expose the skin to high and low temperatures. Avoid aggressive exfoliating products. It is undesirable to use creams containing cinnamon, pepper, menthol.

It’s important to know! A woman suffering from neurodermatitis is recommended to take preventive measures before conceiving a child. To maintain the natural immunity of the baby, she should continue breastfeeding.

What can provoke an exacerbation of neurodermatitis

In case of successful treatment, the remission period lasts from several weeks to 5 years or more. However, the disease may suddenly return, which will require the patient to promptly seek medical attention.

One of the main conditions that contribute to reducing the frequency of exacerbation of neurodermatitis in adults and children is the identification of risk factors. In some cases, doctors advise to be tested for allergens.

To reduce the risk of exacerbation, experts recommend refusing or limiting the use of foods that can cause skin reactions (chocolate, citrus fruits, pickles, smoked meats).

Alcohol is one of the factors provoking the return of dermatitis. Patients suffering from neurodermatitis should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Types of neurodermatitis

There are several varieties of this disease, each of which has a number of distinctive features. Below are different types of neurodermatitis with photos that show its manifestation.

Limited neurodermatitis

This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a rash on a clearly defined area of the skin. Nodular formations are usually localized on the neck, in the genital area, in the groin, under the knees and at the elbow.


  • the skin in the affected area itches, but does not get wet;
  • integuments are covered with a crust;
  • itching occurs mainly at night;
  • lesions are round, symmetrical;
  • the skin becomes pink or brown.

Diffuse neurodermatitis

This form of the disease is much more difficult. Multiple foci form on the body. Usually, neurodermatitis is localized on the arms, legs, in the places where the knees and elbows are bent, on the cheeks, nose, and lips. If the disease arose in childhood, at the time of exacerbation, the skin around the eyes and the scalp are affected.

A hallmark of the disease is weeping wounds that dry out over time.

Therapy of limited and diffuse neurodermatitis is practically the same and involves the use of ointments that reduce itching, as well as physiotherapy.

Treatment of the disease

When starting the treatment of this disease, it should be remembered that it will not work to get rid of it forever. With the correct identification of the symptoms and treatment of neurodermatitis, impressive results can be achieved.

The main methods of therapy:

  • diet;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • antihistamine medicines;
  • vitamins and enzyme preparations (in case of disruption of the digestive tract);
  • physiotherapy.

One of the treatments is hormone therapy. Reception of hormonal agents is indicated for frequent relapses. However, these drugs have many contraindications. Ointments containing hormones should not be applied to sensitive areas of the skin. The time of use of such drugs is limited (no more than 5 days).

Specialists of the clinic ” PsorMak ” in Moscow work according to the author’s methodology. Doctors prescribe ointments of their own manufacture, taking into account the form of the disease, which ensures the effectiveness of therapy. The technique completely excludes unsafe treatment with hormones and ultraviolet radiation.

The therapy is based on an integrated approach that involves the use of ointments and preparations based on medicinal herbs, as well as acupuncture. If a fungal infection joins neurodermatitis, doctors prescribe antimycotics .

Skin care and dietary needs

To prevent exacerbation of neurodermatitis, it is necessary to take care of regular moisturizing and saturation of the skin with lipids, to abandon scrubs.

A diet with the right menu for neurodermatitis in adults is one of the ways to prolong the remission period. Patients are advised to avoid sugar, alcohol, coffee, gluten and chemical preservatives.

Advice from a specialist in the treatment of the disease

Treatment of the disease involves not only the active work of the doctor, but also the observance of simple recommendations by the patient. If you are experiencing this disease, follow these tips:

  • moisturize the skin to prevent cracking;
  • heal the intestines;
  • follow a diet;
  • use ointments based on medicinal herbs to relieve itching;
  • prevent wounds from appearing;
  • wear clothes made of hypoallergenic materials;
  • attend physical therapy.
event_note February 17, 2022

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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