Effective Acne Facial Masks

The appearance of acne is associated with increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Basically, such rashes appear in adolescence and pass as they grow older. But sometimes the problem of acne bothers people in a more mature age. The appearance of acne does not represent a particular health problem, but a violation of the aesthetic perception of appearance makes a person look for various means to combat such an unpleasant defect. The best result in this case is brought by face masks for acne , created on the basis of natural ingredients or pharmaceutical preparations. 

Acne masks with pharmacy

In addition to professional cosmetics for acne removal, the use of fairly inexpensive, but no less effective, pharmacy products is effective.

Zinc ointment – has anti-inflammatory and drying effect. It is mainly used at night. In the presence of a large number of rashes, acne and acne, it is recommended to apply ointment to the entire face. 

Levomekol is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ointment. It is applied to cleansed skin for several hours. You can leave such a “mask” on your face for a longer period, for example, until the morning. 

Birch tar is an excellent antiseptic. It is applied to the skin after an evening toilet for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with warm water. 

Aspirin. Effective facial masks for acne based on honey and aspirin, perfectly exfoliating the upper layer of the skin and cleansing pores.   

Streptocide. The streptocide powder is mixed with petroleum jelly, after which a couple of drops of iodine are still added to this treatment mixture. The composition is applied in a thin layer to clean skin before bedtime and is left overnight. In the morning, the mask should be washed off with tar soap. 

Folk remedies for acne masks

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal an incredibly large amount of acne control. Their advantage is the availability of ingredients, ease of use and safety for health. The only contraindication may be the presence of individual intolerance to any of the component used in such formulations.

Cosmetic clay. Clay-based masks perfectly absorb excess fat, cleanse pores and have anti-inflammatory effects. Clay is diluted with warm water to the density of sour cream and applied to the skin for 20-30. It is washed off after partial drying with warm water. 

Aloe. Chopped pulp or aloe juice is mixed with egg white and lemon juice. It is applied to cleansed skin. Washed off with cool water after drying. Aloe can be combined with many other ingredients. Moreover, any face mask for acne based on aloe has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.   

Honey. To prepare an acne cleansing mask, honey is mixed in equal proportions with olive oil and egg yolk. The composition is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. As a result, the skin is cleansed, its surface is leveled, and complexion improves. 

Soda. Ordinary baking soda, diluted to a pasty state, is applied to moisturized skin for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water. 

Egg white . One protein is mixed with lemon juice and whipped until a dense foam appears. It is applied to the face, as usual, for 20 minutes. This product promotes deep cleansing of pores and whitening the skin.

Potatoes. Potatoes boiled in milk are mashed and mashed and applied warmly to the face. Wash off with warm water after fifteen minutes. 

Gelatin. Gelatin diluted according to the instructions is mixed with the pulp of any suitable fruit and applied to the skin. After drying, it is washed off with warm water. In addition to cleansing the pores, such a mask helps make up for the lack of collagen. 

Egg yolk. Boiled yolk is kneaded and mixed with sour milk until the cream is thick. It is applied for 15 minutes, washed off with warm water. The mask perfectly “dries” acne and contributes to the disappearance of scars and scars that arose after improper removal of acne. 

Acne masks are quite effective, but for the best result it is advisable to conduct them in courses until the problem is completely eliminated.

event_note March 2, 2020

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