Clean skin in summer

We look better in summer than in winter. This is because a light tan hides wrinkles. And because the blood rushes to the skin, which is why its well-being is clearly improving. And because the life-giving energy of the sun, fresh apples and tomatoes is poured into powerful streams into the body, undermined by vitamin deficiency. And your concern for your own face is perceived by him (the person) much more grateful than usual. But only on condition that your skin breathes easily.

Notice: the skin has become more elastic and even slightly thicker. This is her way of protecting herself from the sun, all the more necessary if you somehow have not got into the habit of using creams with a UV filter. And this elasticity arose because the layer of dead cells has increased. Is it any wonder that the most active moisturizer or the most potent anti-wrinkle cream for some reason do not give the same result? They just find it difficult to get to the layer of living cells through this armor. For the same reason, pimples are much more likely to pop up in those with oily skin in the summer.

So, if you come up with an idea to bring your skin to an ideal state, then you need, firstly, to exfoliate dead cells as much as possible in order to give a chance to the living. And second, cleanse as much as possible so that moisturizers and nourishing creams achieve their goal. Why do you need to do cleansing masks twice as often as in winter (about 2-3 times a week)? And in the morning and in the evening – a must! – how should you cleanse your face first with milk, and then with tonic? And forget forever (especially in summer!) About washing with ordinary soap. If you really love it, buy the so-called “soap-free soap” – its formula does not contain alkali.

It would also be nice to do a deep cleaning periodically – once a month. But not every method is good.
All scrubs and peels containing crushed seeds (apricot, grape or apple) also cleanse deeply enough, but slightly injure the vessels on the face. By the way, recently they began to make peeling creams with crushed pumice. They undeniably cleanse well. But pumice has such a porous structure that, although it is preliminarily erased into powder, every particle of it still contains the smallest notches. And these notches scratch the delicate skin of the face slightly, so it is better to clean them with them on your hands, elbows and heels. And for the face, use a gentle peeling cream that contains tiny polyethylene balls (for example, the American professional brand MD- Formulations ). These balls penetrate the pores, and the dirt that has accumulated during the day sticks to them.

Various clay-based masks are also good at pulling out dirt. Clay is a very “calm” cleaner, there is no allergy to it,
and it suits everyone. Those with very dry skin should use a moisturizer after such a mask. Masks Estee Lauder , Clinique , Clarins are created on the basis of white clay .

As for manual cleaning with preliminary steaming, this is the last century. (And, unlike the ancient Greek methods, it is better to throw them off the ship of modern times.) How many faces have been spoiled in this way! And what faces! The first week everything is in order, and then acne appears again, and even, sometimes, scars remain. Some beauticians still believe that everything depends on the skill of the hands. However, no matter how talented the hands are, superficial vessels and pores are slightly injured. With chemical peeling, injuries do not occur: all the dirt seems to dissolve. Although they say that it is not so effective and the effect of one manual cleaning is equal to three chemical ones,
it is still better to go to the salon for a chemical one three times.

And ultrasonic cleaning also becomes quite a daily procedure. It doesn’t hurt at all. The face is wiped with clean water, from a metal plate, similar to a painter’s spatula, ultrasonic waves go, which, as it were, “push” water into the skin, then it pushes off from the bottom of the pore and returns back, collecting all the evil spirits. In case of uneven facial relief (unpleasant consequences of acne and too obvious static wrinkles), it would be good to do laser resurfacing. By the way, it is not true that summer is not the right time for such procedures. If a person is properly prepared for the conditions of a medical institution and then uses sunscreen with a protection factor of 30 for two months, everything will do without side effects.

event_note October 19, 2020

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