Causes of Acne on the Back

The appearance of acne on the back gives not only a number of aesthetic inconveniences, but also is a sign that various changes and disorders occur in the body. In addition, this is a sign of many diseases. Specialists distinguish: whiteheads, comedones, papules, black dots, pustules. Why do black dots appear on the back of men and women? The reasons for this may be different diseases, diet, lifestyle, clothing and bad habits. Before you start to fight them, you need to understand why they appeared.
The reasons can be both external and internal. The first include environmental factors that adversely affect the body. The second is a signal of more serious deviations.
Climatic and weather factors affect the occurrence of rashes. At too high air temperatures, active release of sweat, fat begins, the body becomes sticky and dirt, dust and bacteria are retained on it. In the heat, people prefer to wear more open clothes, as a result, the surface of the skin is exposed to wind, dust and the sun. The skin becomes dry, immunity decreases and microtraumas appear.
Also one of the reasons is an unhealthy diet. Nutrition hygiene affects not only the skin condition, but health in general. Deficiency of vitamins, especially group B, trace elements, water causes an immune disorder and increases the risk of catching inflammation. Overeating can cause a rash.
Products that increase the risk of acne:

• desserts, flour products;
Fatty dairy products;
· Too spicy, fried and spicy dishes;
· Semi-finished products, fast foods;
· carbonated drinks.

Regular mental stress and stressful situations contribute to the formation of formations. Under stresses, the normal production of hormones is disrupted, the body’s resistance to the effects of bacteria, there is a decrease in immunity.
Poor and tight clothes. Basically, clothes are currently made from synthetic materials – acrylic, polyamide, polyester. These components do not allow the body to breathe, as a result there is an accumulation of sweat, dirt, fat, bacteria and pores are clogged. Fit clothing has the same effect. Pressure and friction from adjacent tissues, has an adverse effect on the skin, injures it, causes a violation of the heat transfer process. Coarse seams and straps irritate the upper layer of the skin, cause an inflammatory process.
Non-compliance with hygiene. Due to the rare adoption of water procedures, poor-quality cosmetics, soaps and gels, the skin becomes inflamed. Also, squeezing out acne with especially dirty hands can be attributed to this. But do not overdo it, because it can also cause harm. Frequent and deep peeling, water procedures contribute to trauma to the upper layer of the skin, the skin is dehydrated, becomes vulnerable to other factors. With the frequent use of antiseptics, the normal antibacterial composition of the upper layer of the skin is disturbed, as a result, microbes develop.
Addiction to bad habits contributes to metabolic disorders and is toxic to the body. They are the cause of the development of diseases, due to which acne appears on the body. No less toxic to the body is working with harmful substances that injure the body and cause allergies.
Heredity. You can inherit such a pore defect, because of which they are poorly cleaned and clogged. The propensity for excessive fat production can also be inherited. 

event_note January 11, 2020

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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