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What is acne?

Acne and pimples are skin changes associated with inflammation and dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Such changes are typical for some skin diseases – especially for acne. This condition is also called acne (acne).

Acne occurs in most people starting in adolescence. The appearance of acne is associated with hormones. Hormones affect the sebaceous glands and sebum production.

The inflammation that leads to acne is caused by bacteria living on the skin.

Skin changes explain the stages and options for the development of acne. Blocked sebaceous ducts and inflammation lead to skin damage. The extent and depth of damage determine the severity of the disease. Severe acne can lead to scarring.

Some people develop very severe forms of acne.

Features of the course of acne determine the approach to its treatment. To get rid of acne, you need to understand your problem and choose the right solution.

Knowledge will help you make this choice.

How does acne manifest?

Acne has different elements – individual skin changes. There may be many or few elements of the rash. At the same time, on the same area of ​​the skin, there may be different rashes. All of them are located on the site of the sebaceous glands. The largest glands have the skin of the face, chest and back, where acne occurs.

Typical location of acne (diagram). Left front view, right back.
Dots represent typical rash sites.
Acne is located in places where the largest sebaceous glands of the skin accumulate: on the head / face (forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, nasolabial folds, chin), on the front and back of the neck, on the chest and back (upper part), on the upper shoulder.
Acne may involve one or more of these areas.

Signs and symptoms of acne are supplemented over time by its consequences, the most severe of which are scars.

There are several forms of acne, each of which is characterized by the predominance of certain elements of the rash.

Severe forms of acne can appear immediately or gradually, after the usual acne and acne. It is important to assess the severity of acne in order to find the right approach to treatment.

Complications of acne can be caused by treatment errors or improper skin care.

It is also important to know the correct diagnosis and not to confuse acne with other diseases similar to it.

How to get rid of acne?

The answer to this question can be simple or complex. It all depends on how complex the problem is.

If you do not have a disease, then you can deal with problem skin yourself.

If you have acne, then you can be cured of it.

There are different methods for this. They can be used alone or with the help of a doctor. They have already helped many people, they will help you too.

The goal of acne treatment is not to remove existing acne. This goal is to reliably control the appearance of new elements of the rash.
As long as it takes.

Deliverance does not come immediately. But it shouldn’t be postponed. The sooner you start treatment, the easier it will be to get rid of acne without consequences. After all, scars can no longer be cured either with ointments or pills.

Sometimes people want to get rid of acne in ways that don’t actually help, if not harmful. Learn about them and do not repeat other people’s mistakes.

The best way for you to get rid of acne is unique. How unique you are. There are no identical people – there are no identical skin.

To start getting rid of acne and blackheads, you need to assess the condition of your skin. Understand how far her changes have gone. And make the right decision.

Let’s try?

Self-treatment of acne

You can independently cope with mild forms of acne, which are most common.

Effective self-treatment for acne has only two components:
Proper skin care
Using topical medications that are approved for self-medication

Attempts to self-treat acne by any other means have no proven effectiveness, and sometimes they are unsafe.

The use of topical drugs can help control acne for a long time. A noticeable effect from their use can be expected not immediately, but after a few weeks.

Traditional remedies (salicylic acid, sulfur) and more modern drugs (topical antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid) can be used to treat acne .

The choice of the drug for self-treatment of acne is entirely yours.
Try it: you cannot predict which will suit your skin better. Start with one remedy. Get ready for daily use and skin care, take the time to do so.

Most people manage acne successfully with this pattern. We hope you can do it too!

Treating acne with a doctor

Seeing a doctor is the next step in the fight against acne and pimples. It should be done when self-medication no longer helps. This step should be the last one because medicine has effective remedies to treat all types of acne. But sometimes you need to see a doctor right away:

When the rash has progressed to a moderate / severe stage
When the skin already has scars
When you feel a general deterioration in health.

You can also start with a doctor’s treatment:
If you want to achieve visible results as soon as possible
If acne has a strong impact on your quality of life.

Professional acne treatment begins with an examination. Most of the examination consists of a conversation with you and an examination. The diagnosis of acne and conditions similar to it is made on the basis of examination. After examining you, the doctor usually asks the following questions:
How long have you been worried about this condition?
Have you been treated before and how?
Which of the previous treatments helped you?
How do you care for your skin?
Can you name the reasons that worsen the skin condition?
Do you have any other medical conditions or health problems?
Have you ever experienced drug reactions and allergies?
Do your parents or relatives have skin problems?

Be prepared to answer these and other questions.
They allow: sometimes to clarify the diagnosis, and always – to choose the best program for the treatment and prevention of acne.

You may be given tests to prepare for treatment with serious drugs and to avoid side effects. In rare cases, tests are needed for suspected diseases and syndromes that predispose to acne: for example, hormonal disorders in women. In the vast majority of cases, there is no need to look for some “internal causes” of acne.

Medicines used by doctors are divided into local and systemic ones. Combinations of different drugs are possible, or substitution of one for another during treatment.

In addition to medications, you may be prescribed medical treatments.

Treatment of already formed scars is also possible. For this, there are different methods that the doctor can choose by examining the characteristics of your skin.

There are still mistakes in the treatment of acne and its consequences. They are caused not only by doctors, but also by their patients. Knowing the characteristics of your body, acne and methods of its treatment will help to avoid them.

When you go to a doctor, you get the most complete treatment options for acne. To implement them, you need persistence, mutual trust and goodwill. And optimism – because a cure is possible.

event_note October 31, 2020

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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