Persistent remission in psoriasis – is it realistic and how to achieve

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, the causes of which are still not known for sure. In this regard, it is classified as an incurable chronic disease. In their course, periods of exacerbation and remission are distinguished. They can be of different duration. But in any case, the goal of treatment is to achieve a stable remission. To begin with, it is worth understanding what it is – psoriasis in remission, and only then consider the methods and rules for achieving it.

What is remission

Remission comes from lat. Remissio, which means “decrease, decrease”. In medicine, this term is applied to the period during a chronic disease when its symptoms and signs are significantly weakened or disappear.

Thus, remission is not a complete recovery, but a period of improvement, which can last for a different amount of time. The term is used only for chronic recurrent diseases, which include psoriasis. It cannot be cured, but remission can be achieved and maintained for a long time. This stage of development of psoriasis is also called regressive.

Description of psoriasis remission

So, remission of psoriasis is a period of relief or almost complete disappearance of signs and symptoms. It must be said right away that there is no single way, and it is easy for someone, while others have to show tremendous willpower. The following factors affect the difficulty in achieving remission:

  • the severity of the disease;
  • duration of treatment;
  • at what level is the general health of a person;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases.

For these reasons, the treatment regimen is always selected individually, and the treatment of psoriasis in children is different from that of adults.  

Remission in psoriasis has 2 forms:

  • Full, when the skin is completely cleared of plaques, itching, redness and flaking disappear.
  • Incomplete, when there are “duty” plaques that appear in the most characteristic places: on the elbows, knees, along the hairline.

How long the remission of psoriasis lasts depends on these factors. On average, the period of relief lasts from 6 months to 6 years or more, but there are no clear time boundaries. The duration is influenced by how strictly a person observes the doctor’s prescriptions, whether treatment and prophylactic courses are taken, as well as their correctness and effectiveness. It is these factors that become the condition for maintaining and prolonging the state of remission.

How to achieve remission with psoriasis

To achieve lasting remission in psoriasis, the doctor prescribes supportive therapy. It may include taking medication and applying a special ointment for psoriasis. Additionally, nutrition is adjusted and vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed, recommendations are given regarding the way of life. 

The most important tips:

  • Constantly monitored by a doctor, come to preventive appointments. 
  • Continue the course of therapy for some time after the symptoms disappear, but only in consultation with the doctor.
  • Strictly adhere to the diet, individually compiled by the doctor.
  • Eliminate the action of provoking factors.
  • Maintain a healthy daily routine with adequate sleep, rest, and exercise.
  • Undergo treatment to eliminate chronic foci of infections. Sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries and other diseases of internal organs can worsen the condition.

Eliminate risk factors

First of all, in order to achieve remission, it is necessary to exclude everything that can provoke an exacerbation. Many patients note that the relapse occurred for no apparent reason. But in reality, they just went unnoticed. There are a number of factors that can trigger the progression of psoriasis:

  • prolonged depression;
  • strong emotional shock;
  • temperature drops or a sharp change in climate;
  • hormonal changes (transitional age in children and menopause in women);
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • infectious diseases.

Specific recommendations for eliminating negative factors depend on the localization of the rash. For example, when treating psoriasis on the hands, it is imperative to exclude exposure to the skin of chemicals. It is equally important to avoid damage (abrasions, scratches, cuts), as new plaques can appear in their place. With psoriasis of the scalp, the condition can worsen with an improperly selected shampoo or inaccurate combing, as well as staining.  

Follow a diet

An important condition for achieving and maintaining remission is diet. It excludes foods that may have adverse effects on the body. These include:

  • citrus,
  • nuts,
  • spices,
  • pork,
  • alcohol,
  • oily fish
  • milk,
  • sweets.

The diet for psoriasis should be balanced and varied. It is good to eat raw vegetables and fruits. The meat should be lean and the fish should be lean (salmon, sea bass). Low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir are well tolerated from dairy products.

Take prescribed medications

A specific course of drugs is prescribed by a doctor. Periodically, experts recommend cleaning the body using sorbents: Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Sorbex, Smekty. In addition to them, the following can be applied:

  • antihistamines for relief of allergic attacks;
  • folic acid, vitamin and multivitamin complexes;
  • preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Maintain a good attitude

One of the most serious imprints on the course of psoriasis is the psychological state of a person. If you focus too much on the symptoms, there is a risk of experiencing psychological distress and depression. And any stress can negatively affect the course of the disease and cause a relapse.

In such a situation, the help of a psychotherapist may be required . Yoga practice will help improve the psycho-emotional state. They are especially recommended for those suffering from psoriasis. It is also beneficial to go for walks, play sports and sunbathe (especially with a tendency to winter exacerbations of psoriasis). 

event_note December 9, 2021

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