Psoriasis with all its appearance speaks of its “infectiousness”. Pink raised plaques all over the body, flaky skin, ugly clouded nails with grooves involuntarily instill fear of infection in others. Sometimes ordinary people confuse the disease with eczema or shingles, and ignorance raises many questions and fears anyway.
Is psoriasis contagious?
The external manifestations of the disease in this case are deceptive, doctors reliably know that psoriasis is not contagious, it is not transmitted from person to person either by airborne droplets, or by household, or sexually.
That is, even if you hug a person with psoriasis, touch the plaques with your hands, it is impossible to get infected. If someone who has been in contact with a patient ever develops psoriasis, then this will be an independent event.
Psoriasis is not transmitted through clothing; it is impossible to get infected in a fitting room. There is also no household transmission path. If you meet a person with psoriasis manifestations in the pool, in the bathhouse, not on the beach, in the gym, be calm, there is no danger of infection in this case.
Sexual transmission
Even closer physical contact cannot lead to infection. During sexual intercourse, the disease does not pose a threat. Psoriasis is not a sexually transmitted disease. This is a dermatological pathology that is not transmitted through blood and other biological fluids. The skin-to-skin transmission type is also excluded. That is, if your loved one has psoriasis, you should not avoid intimate contacts and limit communication, there is no danger in this case.
Where does psoriasis come from and how does it arise?
We found out that psoriasis:
- not sexually transmitted;
- not contagious by shaking hands, hugging, touching and other body contact;
- not transmitted by household means;
- does not threaten healthy people in the bath, fitting room, in the pool;
- not transmitted by air, water or dirty hands, as it is not infectious.
Why then do people get sick? Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, that is, it is caused exclusively by the internal characteristics of the body. Autoimmune diseases are the result of the fact that cells, which must protect the body from a variety of external threats, for some reason begin to destroy the tissues of their own body, seeing them as a threat. Such diseases are never contagious.
Is psoriasis inherited?
But some genetic mutations and breakdowns in genes become a prerequisite for such work of immunity. Therefore, if you answer the question of whether psoriasis is inherited by children, then the answer will be yes rather than no. Of course, the disease in parents does not guarantee psoriasis in children, but the predisposition is transmitted, and family cases are evidence of this. The likelihood of transmission increases if both parents suffer from psoriasis. With certain triggers, the autoimmune process can also be triggered in children. But dermatology does not stand still, doctors have made significant progress in the treatment of psoriasis. This is not a disease that can affect reproductive plans, psoriasis can be kept under control.