How to smear psoriasis plaques: plant-based ointment

Psoriasis is an autoimmune dermatological disease that occurs due to certain genetic mutations. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis. It is also called simple or vulgar. 

What does plaque psoriasis look like?

The main symptom in this case is rounded plaques that rise slightly above the skin. Since the plaque is a focus of chronic inflammation and excessive division of epithelial cells, this pink spot is covered with whitish scales on top, when they are scraped off, droplets of blood appear, like dew.

There are three signs of plaque psoriasis:

  • hyperkeratosis – scales can be observed on the surface of the plaque, these are epidermal cells that divide much faster than they should;
  • if these scales are scraped off, a smooth, like varnish, pink-red surface of the papule is exposed;
  • with complete cleansing of the papules from traces of peeling, small droplets of blood appear on it, like dew.

Plaques can be found all over the body, but they are especially common on the elbows, head, genitals, and flexors of the legs. The psoriatic triad, together with the characteristic localization, makes it possible for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

How to remove plaque

Since plaques are the main manifestation of psoriasis vulgaris, the task is to remove them. They cause itching and moral distress. Psoriasis begins with one plaque, then others appear, large papules merge with each other. Treatment should be started as early as possible, because it is easier to stop the process when the affected area is limited.  

The main remedy in the treatment of the disease is a special ointment “PsorMak”, which relieves inflammation, improves the barrier properties of the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it. A distinctive feature of this ointment from analogues is that it is non-hormonal. Previously, hormonal agents were mainly used for treatment, which had enough side effects and led to a withdrawal syndrome. Ointment “PsorMak” acts gently, is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and has practically no side effects. It is based on medicinal herbs. 

There are three types of ointments that are designed to treat psoriasis of varying severity. The tool has a simple treatment regimen; it requires application only once a day.

In addition to the main treatment of psoriasis with ointment, the patient should follow a diet, avoid aggressive detergents, and wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics.  

event_note October 25, 2021

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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