Bacterial skin infections: what are there, how to treat

Most infections are caused by streptococci and staphylococci. They live in the environment, inhabit the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, genitals. In 9-12% of cases, inflammation is provoked by corynebacteria , leprosy sticks, tuberculosis, campylobacter .

Healthy skin keeps germs out. This is prevented by the structure of the epidermis, the pH of sweat and sebum , and the antiseptic properties of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. In case of violation of protection, pustular eruptions occur.

How does skin infection occur?

The penetration of microorganisms is facilitated by:

  • wounds, scratches, cracks, abrasions;
  • dehydration of the epidermis (skin);
  • hypothermia, overheating;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases – diabetes mellitus, cancer;
  • taking corticosteroids, contraceptives, cytostatics .

Bacterial infection often complicates the condition of wounds and burns, itchy dermatoses, allergic diseases.

Superficial bacterial skin infections


– inflammation of the hair follicle: an abscess around the hair, redness of the surrounding area.

Pemphigus of newborns

– a serious infectious disease, when inflammatory blisters cover the entire body of the baby, form crusts and ulcers.


– against the background of redness, painless blisters with cloudy contents appear. Then the bubbles shrink to yellowish crusts, leaving erosion.

Impetigo often occurs in children and young women. Localization: face, under the hair of the head, limbs. When staphylococcus aureus joins, the crusts become greenish or bloody. The disease spreads rapidly in the collective. Suspecting her, it is necessary to isolate the child, and bandage the wound.

Bacterial infection of the deep layer of the skin

It occurs when microbes enter the dermis.


First, a painful node appears, then an abscess ripens in its center. After 5-7 days, it is opened, a purulent-necrotic core is released, the wound is scarred. When there are more than one foci, they speak of furunculosis.


These are several boils that have united in a general infiltrate. The place looks like a tumor of a purple-cyanotic color. The pain increases, the state of health suffers, the body temperature rises. After opening the formation, a deep ulcer remains, healing with a scar.

Acne (blackheads)

– inflammation of the ducts of the sebaceous glands due to blockage. Pustules form on the face, chest, shoulders . Their contents shrink to crusts, after the rejection of which scars or cyanotic spots remain. 


Purulent inflammation of the sweat glands. The process often recurs. Favorite localization – armpits, groin folds, under the mammary glands. There are deep painful nodes, bluish-red outside. They open up with the separation of liquid pus.


It occurs in people who are individually predisposed. The foci of inflammation are clearly limited. The affected area is swollen, hot, bright red, with bursting bubbles. The disease is accompanied by fever, intoxication, severe pain.

Deep pyoderma can be complicated by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and nodes, abscess, sepsis.

Features of facial skin infections

The blood supply to the organs of the head, face, membranes of the brain is closely related. Improper treatment, squeezing out acne is dangerous due to the spread of bacteria through the blood, lymph. It is possible to achieve an increase in the area of ​​the affected area, such formidable complications as meningitis, abscesses and phlegmon, inflammation of the eyes.

Before deciding on cosmetic procedures – cleaning, peeling, mesotherapy – go through a dermatologist examination to determine the cause of the pustular rash and be treated.

Treating bacterial skin infections

Should start from the early stages, under the supervision of a specialist. In some cases, local treatment with antibacterial ointments, wiping with antiseptics is sufficient. Widespread rashes, deep pyoderma, require systemic antibiotics. In a chronic course, the doctor may advise autohemotherapy, immune drugs.

Surgical treatment is carried out if the abscess does not open on its own or a rough scar must be avoided. For tissue restoration, laser coagulation and physiotherapy are used.

It is important to identify, treat concomitant diseases, exclude adverse external influences on the skin, and choose food.


Observe the following rules:

  1. After visiting the gym, wipe the areas in contact with the equipment with an antiseptic.
  2. Treat cuts and wounds with antibacterial drugs (iodine, salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide) as soon as they occur.
  3. Do not share hygiene items, cosmetics with other people.
  4. Places of abscesses, impetigo should not be washed with water, combed, pressed.
  5. Avoid spicy fatty foods, sweets.

Make an appointment with a dermatologist on time. The doctor will help identify the cause of the inflammation, do the necessary tests, choose a treatment that is suitable for the type and stage of pyoderma.  

event_note July 27, 2021

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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