Are psoriasis and alcohol compatible? Answers to all questions

There is a myth that with psoriasis, you can drink alcohol in small doses. It must be said right away that this is absolutely not the case. Any doctor will confirm that alcoholic beverages are prohibited for such a disease. Let’s try to figure out what is the reason for such a restriction and whether there are exceptions in which alcohol is still acceptable.

How alcohol affects psoriasis

The harmful effects of alcohol on psoriasis are due to a substance called ethyl alcohol, which damages the liver. The organ works as the body’s natural filter to remove toxins. When ethanol and its decay products are damaged, hepatocytes (the so-called liver cells) begin to work worse and cannot cope with their function. The result is intoxication of the body, which only grows with constant alcohol consumption.

Where does this lead:

  • The body loses useful substances, and they are necessary for normal life and maintenance of the body in case of illness.
  • Due to intoxication and excretion of nutrients, chronic diseases, which include psoriasis, are exacerbated.
  • Depression can develop, especially if you quit alcohol after a long binge. And the psychological state is directly related to the course of psoriasis.
  • The effect of drugs, including psoriasis ointment, is reduced. 
  • Dry skin is increased due to the diuretic effect of alcohol, leading to dehydration. For already dry skin affected by plaque, this can be very detrimental.

Thus, alcohol is one of the factors provoking an exacerbation of psoriasis. 

Is it possible to drink alcohol with psoriasis

All doctors agree that psoriasis and alcohol should not be combined under any circumstances. According to statistics, those who drink alcohol are much more likely to experience exacerbations. All because of the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. And even small doses matter. Therefore, there can be no question of any compatibility of psoriasis and alcohol.

If there is a very strong desire, then a small amount of alcohol is acceptable. But these should be very rare cases and strictly limited portions. Moreover, a person must necessarily monitor what the reaction will be: will there be a deterioration in the form of an increase in the number of plaques, increased itching and redness. Based on this, you can determine which alcohol least provokes exacerbations. Each organism is individual, so the reaction to different types of alcohol may be different.

What alcohol is allowed and what is forbidden

What kind of alcohol can you drink with psoriasis (rarely and in very small doses!):

  • no more than 100 ml of vodka;
  • white wine;
  • liquor;
  • gin and tonic

Red wine is prohibited (provokes aggravation in 11% of cases). Cognac, martini and vermouth are also not allowed.


Champagne is banned – because of the high degree of carbonation, ethanol very quickly enters the bloodstream: about 98% within the first 30 minutes after consumption. It is equally important that there are many substances in champagne that disrupt carbohydrate metabolism and acid-base balance. The harmful property of pectin, which is also part of the drink, is the release of methyl alcohol. The substance is converted into formaldehyde, which provokes increased sweating, which cannot but affect the skin affected by plaques.


Beer is also prohibited, because during its manufacture harmful toxins are formed, which only worsen the state of health, including psoriasis. In addition, the drink is based on barley, which contains a lot of gluten. It is a protein to which people with psoriasis are hypersensitive, which is why a gluten-free diet is even prescribed for such a disease .

Dark beer is especially rich in gluten. There is relatively little of it in light. Therefore, in rare cases, it is allowed to consume light beer, but not more than 0.33 liters.


So, having studied the topic in detail, we can draw conclusions.

Is there a link between alcohol and psoriasis?

The disease is thought to be of an autoimmune nature. There is no direct evidence that alcohol causes psoriasis. Therefore, the concept of “alcoholic psoriasis” does not exist. But according to statistics, people who often drink alcohol, the disease occurs 5 times more often than non-drinkers. In addition, people who have had drinking parents with psoriasis have a 60% chance of getting the disease, even if they do not drink alcohol themselves.

Can I drink alcohol for psoriasis?

Not recommended because alcohol is aggravating.

Why can’t alcohol be used for psoriasis?

Against the background of alcohol intake, liver function worsens, dehydration is observed, depression develops, and the effect of drugs decreases.

What kind of alcohol to drink with psoriasis?

In very rare cases, only non-alcoholic beer is allowed, no more than 100 g of vodka, some liqueur or white wine. But it is imperative to monitor the body’s response.

How to reduce the harm of alcohol in psoriasis?

It is imperative to drink alcohol with water or other liquid – the more there is, the easier and more painless the body will assimilate the drunk. It is also very important not to hide the amount of alcohol consumed from the doctor. This way he will be able to correct the treatment correctly.

Before deciding whether to drink alcohol or not, we recommend that you consult with your doctor. In the dermatological center ” PsorMak ” you will be provided with qualified assistance. The specialist will constantly monitor you, draw up and change the treatment regimen in order to achieve long-term remission. 

event_note June 27, 2021

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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