Acne map: what do they mean?

Modern evidence-based medicine believes that, regardless of the degree of manifestation and localization of acne, the reason for their occurrence lies in the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, improper care and problems with the immune and endocrine systems of the body.

However, experienced cosmetologists notice that sometimes, according to the location of the most problematic areas, it is possible to determine which organ or system is most vulnerable or already have diseases.

Is it possible to determine the problem in the body by acne on the face?

Medical science has not found a direct statistically confirmed relationship between rashes in certain places on the face and organ dysfunction. All discussions on this topic lie in the field of observations of practicing cosmetologists, naturopaths and specialists in non-traditional methods of treatment.

Nevertheless, there is certainly a rational grain in this. As a rule, acne is not limited to external manifestations. It is a complex endogenous process that involves many systems in the body. A kind of chain reaction occurs, where one violation leads to a shift in the hormonal background, deterioration of the protective properties of the skin, intoxication and other problems.

The human body is a complex interconnected system. The manifestation of one symptom can be influenced by many factors at the same time. That is why one should not completely abandon the study of the relationship between psychosomatics and acne.

Psychosomatics – what is it?

Medicine has long been studying the effect of mental states on somatic health and vice versa. Most researchers are inclined to conclude that a certain type of personality, behavior, social interaction, characteristics of character, temperament, level of stress and other factors can cause diseases of organs and systems in a person. Evidence-based medicine determines this process by lifestyle, eating behavior, physical activity and hormonal levels. Non-traditional specialists tend to find a direct influence of a person’s consciousness and subconsciousness on his health.

Psychosomatics is a direction in medical and paramedical teachings, as well as psychology, which studies the relationship between the state of mind and the functioning of the body.

Interesting to know! For the first time the term “psychosomatics” was coined by the physician Johann Heinroth in 1818. Subsequently, representatives of not only the medical profession, but also philosophers, theologians, psychiatrists, physiologists and biologists, studied the problem of the influence of the soul on the body. 

The connection between the localization zones of acne and internal organs – a map of acne on the face

The fact that acne appears in different people in different places made the helping specialists more closely observe and study the problem. Many of them came to the conclusion that this was not an accident at all. Patients with the same areas of problem skin reported similar problems and chronic diseases. As a result, it was possible to draw up a kind of “map” that helps to associate acne with more serious disorders in the work of internal organs.

On the forehead

The appearance of rashes in the hair growth zone indicates problems in the work of the gallbladder or urinary system, which makes sense, since this area of ​​the forehead sweats most often, namely, disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and bladder are the cause of acne from sweat.

Acne in the upper part of the forehead indicates problems with the small intestine, and in the lower part with the large intestine.

At the temples

Inflammation on the temples speaks of intoxication of the body, malfunctions of the gallbladder and liver, intestinal dysbiosis. Improper nutrition and, as a result, digestion leads to the ingress of toxins and metabolites of harmful substances into the blood and the lymphatic system, which is why deep acne appears on the temples, where large lymphatic ducts pass.

On the ears

The reason for the appearance of inflammatory elements on the auricles and around them is not always associated with internal processes. Sometimes it’s just constant contact with a dirty phone surface, headphones, or a hat. In other cases, this is a signal of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and hormonal imbalance.

On the bridge of the nose

If pimples appear in the upper zone of the bridge of the nose between the eyes, this is a reason to pay attention to liver health. Comedones and blackheads on the bridge of the nose are almost always associated with dehydration and intoxication of the body.

Around eyes

The main reason for the appearance of acne on the eyelids and under the eyes is stress and a basic lack of sleep. If, in addition to the rash, edema, dark circles are noticeable, then pathological processes in the kidneys and adrenal glands are clearly taking place.

On the nose

Pimples on the wings of the nose, inside the nostrils or on the lateral surfaces of the bridge of the nose can indicate circulatory disorders and heart problems.

On the chin

This area contains the so-called hormonal acne. An increase in androgen and testosterone levels affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Disorders in the endocrine system and, as a result, the appearance of rashes on the chin can occur due to dysfunction of the ovaries, cysts and tumors on them. A much less frightening, but no less significant cause of inflammation on the skin of the chin can be dental diseases.

On the lips and around the mouth

The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system, respectively, and acne in this area is associated with problem digestion, dysbiosis, and malnutrition.

On the cheeks

Abundant rashes on the lateral surfaces of the cheeks, in the area of ​​the cheekbones and jaws signal diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. In these places, acne is most often manifested by smokers or people involved in dirty industries.

On the neck

This is a serious reason to check the work of the endocrine system. The neck becomes covered with inflammation with dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and gonads. If, in addition, there are abundant papules and pustules on the chin, forehead and in the nasolabial triangle, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible for a full examination.

What organs are responsible for acne on the face?

What do the doctor’s say?

Although evidence-based medicine refutes the connection between the localization of acne and diseases, many specialists pay attention to skin manifestations when diagnosing. Endocrinologists analyze the state of the dermis and changes in it especially carefully. Reduction of rashes is a good sign of stabilization of the hormonal background and the current treatment regimen.

Often, dermatologists, whose task is to solve skin problems, send patients for additional examinations to other doctors. Long-term practice shows that without eliminating internal failures and treating chronic diseases, it can be extremely problematic to cure acne.

Conclusion: is it worth trusting such assumptions?

In such a delicate and difficult issue as acne treatment, trust in the first place is the common sense and experience of specialists. Of course, you should not take the connection between the localization of acne and organ diseases directly and literally. Even doctors of alternative medicine are not categorical on this issue and mean diseases and disorders of various body systems only as one of the possible prerequisites.

At the same time, the relationship between the work of internal organs and the appearance of inflammation on the skin exists. If acne constantly appears in the same places, it is worth listening to empirical knowledge and undergoing additional testing.

event_note February 22, 2021

account_box Dr. Peter B Milburn

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