Acne from masturbation: truth or myth?

Masturbation is completely natural. With the exception of pathological cases, it has no effect on the psyche and human health. Nevertheless, many myths and erroneous assumptions have accumulated around her. One of them is the deterioration of the


Masturbation is completely natural. With the exception of pathological cases, it has no effect on the psyche and human health. Nevertheless, many myths and erroneous assumptions have accumulated around her. One of them is the deterioration of the

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Medications as the cause of acne

Despite the fact that most drugs act selectively on the body, they all have a number of contraindications and side effects. The use of some causes changes in the work of the endocrine system and the


Despite the fact that most drugs act selectively on the body, they all have a number of contraindications and side effects. The use of some causes changes in the work of the endocrine system and the

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Smoking acne: causes and treatment

Nicotine addiction is absolutely detrimental to human health. In the process of combustion, a cigarette releases more than 4 thousand toxins, resins, heavy metals. All of them, one way or another, have a destructive effect on skin


Nicotine addiction is absolutely detrimental to human health. In the process of combustion, a cigarette releases more than 4 thousand toxins, resins, heavy metals. All of them, one way or another, have a destructive effect on skin

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Stress acne: how to fight?

The pace of life of a modern person is incredible. At the same time, you need to manage to make a living, support your everyday life, raise children, and engage in self-development. The cult of success as


The pace of life of a modern person is incredible. At the same time, you need to manage to make a living, support your everyday life, raise children, and engage in self-development. The cult of success as

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Sweat pimples: how to get rid of?

The surface of the skin is covered with a thin film of a complex and, normally, balanced composition. It mainly consists of lipids secreted by the sebaceous glands. If there are not enough of them, the epidermis


The surface of the skin is covered with a thin film of a complex and, normally, balanced composition. It mainly consists of lipids secreted by the sebaceous glands. If there are not enough of them, the epidermis

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Acne from Dufaston : causes of rashes and methods of treatment

Sometimes a health condition requires taking hormonal drugs. During the recovery of reproductive functions or at the planning stage of pregnancy, gynecologists prescribe medications containing progesterone. Increasing the level of this hormone in the blood helps to


Sometimes a health condition requires taking hormonal drugs. During the recovery of reproductive functions or at the planning stage of pregnancy, gynecologists prescribe medications containing progesterone. Increasing the level of this hormone in the blood helps to

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Milk acne: what causes and how is it treated?

From childhood we were taught that milk and fermented milk products are very useful. However, recent studies have found that not everyone needs and can use them. In particular, in many people, due to dairy products, the


From childhood we were taught that milk and fermented milk products are very useful. However, recent studies have found that not everyone needs and can use them. In particular, in many people, due to dairy products, the

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Pimples from chocolate: why do they appear and how to treat?

Chocolate is a favorite treat for children and adults. With its help, they express sympathy, cope with stress, unite the whole family for evening tea. This has long been not just a sweetness, but a tradition. The sadder


Chocolate is a favorite treat for children and adults. With its help, they express sympathy, cope with stress, unite the whole family for evening tea. This has long been not just a sweetness, but a tradition. The sadder

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Acne on the head: causes and treatment

The appearance of inflammation in the scalp sometimes becomes noticeable only when they are accompanied by itching or pain. That is why it is more difficult to cope with them, since a person does not notice


The appearance of inflammation in the scalp sometimes becomes noticeable only when they are accompanied by itching or pain. That is why it is more difficult to cope with them, since a person does not notice

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About skin infections

You have to be attentive to every purulent “sore” in your child and start treatment as early as possible Hydradenitis In adolescents and adults, boil-like boils sometimes develop in the groin and armpit in areas


You have to be attentive to every purulent “sore” in your child and start treatment as early as possible Hydradenitis In adolescents and adults, boil-like boils sometimes develop in the groin and armpit in areas

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